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Domestic Violence, Social Stigma, and a Lone Police Station for Women in Kashmir

by Afsaana Rashid –Indian-administered Kashmir– Multiple forms of domestic violence compel Sayeeda Chisti, mother of four and a resident of the village of Kona Gabra, to abandon her native place and seek ‘refuge’ in the city. Tossed between post and

Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

Kashmir’s Private Industry Offers Solutions Where Government Falls Short

by Afsaana Rashid – Indian-administered Kashmir – With soaring unemployment and a private sector still in troubled infancy, for the last few decades, government has provided the bulk of Kashmir’s jobs. Yet today this may be changing; on the heels

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Posted in Economy, FEATURE ARTICLES

Democracy Prevails in Kashmir Elections

by Afsaana Rashid – Indian-administered Kashmir – In what is being hailed as a victory for democracy, the Indian-administered state of Jammu and Kashmir recently concluded a two-month round of elections at the end of December. Despite calls from separatist

Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

Little Hope for Change: Kashmiris Say US Anti-Muslim Policies Will Continue

by Afsaana Rashid – Indian-administered Kashmir – With the US presidential election just days away, people in the Kashmir valley are not much enthused with the changing of the guard. Although there is some hope that the new president will

Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics, Special Election Coverage

Caught in the Cross-fire: Kashmir’s Orphans Ignored by the Government

by Afsaana Rashid – Indian-administered Kashmir – October 27, 2008 – Kashmiri separatists and the Pakistani government commemorate “Black Day” the anniversary of the Indian army’s forcible entrance into Kashmir 61 years ago. – Ed. When asked what he likes

Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

Kashmiris Seek Closure and Justice for the Missing on the International Day of the Disappeared

by Afsaana Rashid – Indian-administered Kashmir – As the world observed the International Day of the Disappeared last month on August 30th, Asima Mohi-ud-Din attended a silent protest rally organized by the Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons (APDP). For

Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics, The World

Muslims Reach Out to Hindus During This Year’s Amarnath Yatra in Kashmir

by Afsaana Rashid – Indian-administered Kashmir – At a time when it is very difficult to find people willing to extend the hand of human kindness to those practicing a different religion, Muslims living in the Kashmir valley have set

Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

Violence Touches “each family living in Kashmir”

by Afsaana Rashid – Indian-administered Kashmir – Kashmir’s ongoing armed conflict over the past two decades has had physical, cognitive, emotional and behavioral consequences for everyone living in the valley. Although no official figures exist, everyone agrees there has been

Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics, The World

South Asia’s Oldest Tree Species, Ginkgo biloba, Clings to Life in Indian-administered Kashmir

by Afsaana Rashid – Indian-administered Kashmir – Officials at the Kashmir Department of Agriculture are putting in serious effort to preserve a male Ginkgo biloba tree, a species that has almost vanished from South Asia. The Ginkgo, South Asia’s oldest

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

Despite Modernization, Faith Healers Remain Popular for Treating the Effects of Kashmir’s Conflict

by Afsaana Rashid – Indian-administered Kashmir – While the world has progressed by leaps and bounds in technological advancement, the Kashmir valley remains rooted in cultural tradition. The state of Kashmir abounds in ancient literature, language, religion, arts, crafts, dance,

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

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