A Historical Achievement

Calling it a “historical mistake,” Israel’s Primer Minister Benjamin Netanyahu repeated, once more, his opposition to the agreement reached with Iran regarding its nuclear program. By doing so, he showed that he, and not the Iranian leadership, is the main obstacle to peace in that region.

Netanyahu declared that the international community is too complacent with Iran, and warned that Iran will take advantage of its nuclear program to threaten Israel and Iran’s own neighbours. He doesn’t acknowledge that a military confrontation with Iran will cause chaos in the region and threaten world peace.

Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, stated his approval of the agreement reached in Geneva saying, “We have to thank those that conducted the negotiations….God’s grace, prayers and the Iranian people’s support were the base for success.”

Paradoxically, many US legislators (among them several Democrats) opposed the agreement and even called for tougher sanctions on Iran, showing a mendacity of thought difficult to explain.

In addition to peace in the region, those more to benefit are the Iranians themselves, unjustly punished by the policies and statements of Iran’s former President, Mahmud Ahmadineyad. His statements were as preposterous as those of some of Israel leaders themselves.

The temporary relief of some economic sanctions should allow the Iranian government to address some of the most urgent needs of the Iranian people, among them the import of some basic medicines and supplies.

To take full advantage of the agreement just reached, however, increased exchange of Iranian civilians (actors, writers, musicians, students, even politicians,) should now take place between Iran and the US and, why not, even Israel. Historically Iran has been a cultural icon in the region, which has been badly serviced by bad politicians.

What is critically important now is to overcome the barrier of distrust that for so many years has dominated the dialogue with that country. Mr. Netanyahu may not sleep better afterwards. But the rest of the world will.

Dr.Cesar Chelala is a co-winner of an Overseas Press Club of America award.

Posted in The WIP Talk

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