Yes We Did

In the 2012 election, President Obama was victorious against an adversary who would have incited a decline in our civil rights progress as Americans. Let President Obama’s reelection be another round of hope for LGBT, immigrant, and women’s rights. Kudos and congratulations to the states that won gay marriage and decriminalized marijuana! So many American citizens have gained tremendously from this election in the way of liberty. To be sure, many important propositions and referendums were not passed this time around, but there is still hope. There are also still massive changes to be made with regard to foreign policy and the economy, and hopefully the President will be able to address them more fully during this term, though another Republican dominance of the House may hinder his efforts.

A record number of women now hold seats in the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate. One of the women elected to Senate, Tammy Baldwin, is the first openly gay U.S. Senator. This is a landmark not only for women, but for the LGBT community. We are breaking down the barriers that segregate social groups, and will continue to do so.

I am proud of my home state of Washington for legalizing gay marriage, decriminalizing marijuana, and voting for President Obama. Our voices have been heard, and how good it feels to influence positive change.

I encourage comments if anyone would like to discuss!

Cassandra Stedham is a student of International Policy Studies at the Monterey Institute of International Studies, and is working toward a career in International Journalism. You can read more at her blog, Talk to a Stranger.

Posted in The WIP Talk

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