Consequences Of The War

The recent article by Melissa Hahn on Veteran Suicides really touched a nerve in me. Like the Edwin Starr song says, War, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing, nothing rings more true now. This situation is really unfortunate.
I really feel for these soldiers and his families. I pray that God in his infinite mercies will comfort and compensate them for their loss. It is really a shame to lose another life, this time not in combat but in a self inflicted suicide death.
I remember when the decision was made for America to go to war, I was at work and a group of co-workers gathered in my office to discuss it. As we talked it was pretty clear that I was the only one who knew that America was not that invincible. The others said it would be easy for America to go into Iraq, do what it wanted to do and come out.
Having schooled in Northern Nigeria amongst Muslims, I remember thinking to myself, ignorance is bliss; these people don’t know who they are dealing. When the war began I was watching a TV show about the lost boys of Sudan when one of the host parents said that before the war began the boys were very scared and he was telling them not to worry because the war would be an easy win for America.
However, they told him the same thing I knew, you don’t know who you are dealing with because they had been exposed to Islamic fanatics in Sudan. He said that as the war is progressing he is rethinking his stance. This TV show aired several years ago, I’m sure by now reality has dawned on him.
The person who made the decision for America to go to war made the decision in a nicely protected oval office as president. He had nothing to lose. Neither him nor anyone close to him was going to be part of the war, so oh well, let other people and their children go, and if they perish they perish. While people were being emotionally traumatized, losing limbs and dying on the battle field, he and his family members were enjoying their lives. He has retired back to Texas.
His daughters graduated from college while enjoy good press coverage in fashion magazines. In these times of war, his kids are doing very well. Jenna got married at a lavish wedding and has even become a correspondent on The Today show, the velocity with which she ascended the career ladder to get that position is magical. Barbara after working with pediatric AIDS patients in many parts of Africa returned to be president of Global Health Corps, non-profit organization. God bless her for having such a serving spirit.
I can only wonder how Mr. Bush, as a man and a parent feels about his decision with all the lives that are continually perishing physically and emotionally on and off the battle field. The bible says, blessed are the peace makers for they shall be called children of God. The good book does not say anything about war starters but I’m sure they get theirs.
Many times these naïve kids enlist as soldiers in the army with no knowledge of what they are getting themselves into. I have read that young men especially have deceptively low perception of fear and this adds to their bravado in wanting to go to war.
As one soldier who went to Iraq as a young handsome man but returned with both legs amputated and no control of his bowels or bladder said, “I went to Iraq to kick butt but it was my butt that was kicked”. Now he is like a toddler who relies on his mother to change his diapers every couple of hours. However, at least I guess they have something to be thankful for because he is alive and where there is life, there is hope, which is not even the case for many.
Another mother of a soldier who was killed in battle, whose body was flown in close to the time Jenna Bush was getting married said as she sobbed on the radio, “The Bush’s are planning a wedding in the white house, while I’m planning a funeral.” Well, as unfortunate as it is, such is life.
It’s easy to instruct someone else do the dirty job. In biblical times kings physically led wars so I’m sure the need for any war was well through before being embarked upon. That rule should be reinstated because if you know you will physically lead a war you will think twice about it, as your life is at stake along with the others.
The financial, emotional and physiological toll this war has put on this country in every facet is disheartening.
It is said that there are too few men and much more women in America already and this war has produced a slaughter house for these too few men so there will be even fewer men to go around. We will all reap the consequences as single women and fatherless children abound.
It’s just such a shame. The worst thing is that even after everything Obama said about bringing the troops home before he won the election, the reality is that the military can’t even pull out of Iraq now, because they are in too deep and backing out will destabilize the country. More importantly, backing out without catching Osama Bin Laden will look bad, so they forge ahead hoping to pull out responsibly at some point with no end date in sight. I’m sure Obama had good intentions but as with so many issues he has been facing since assuming office, things appeared so much simpler before he had to deal with them.
There’s nothing we can do now except pray for divine intervention to end this war and subsequently end the trauma and loss of lives and limbs accompanying it.

Posted in The WIP Talk, Uncategorized

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