Knit In for Peace

March 19 marks the anniversary of the illegal invasion of Iraq by the US. Many of us here are planning actions to protest the continued illegal occupation of that country and the aggression of the Bush regime.
Winter Soldier, which I remarked on in a previous post has started in Washington. US veterans of the invasions and occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan are providing first hand testimony of war crimes that they both witnessed and participated in. For coverage of that event, you can go to
A large protest is planned for the 19th in Washington as well.
I cannot go to that, but I am joining the Granny Peace Brigade for a Knit-In at the Times Square recruiting center.
The Grannies have been active since the start of this illegal war. They focus on protecting our young people from being enticed into the military service. Sometimes, they demand to be enlisted themselves; sometimes they do what they can to block entrance to the centers. They are arrested, go to jail, get out, and return to their places. The courage and patriotism of these women is inspiring.
The Grannies say that stump socks for service personnel with amputations are needed as well as clothes for Iraqi and Afghani children. I plan to work on a child’s sweater as I join them in peaceful, constructive protest against destruction and violence.
I would love to hear what others are doing to protest.

Posted in The WIP Talk, Uncategorized
2 comments on “Knit In for Peace
  1. Elisa says:

    I love the concept of a Knit-in—such a practical and doable way of protesting. In every community groups can come together to knit stump socks and childrens clothes. We will be doing something useful as we remind our friends, family, neighbors, relatives that a shameful war is going on—that every day we should all do our part to end the violence and destruction.

  2. JessicaMosby says:

    The Grannies are indeed inspiring ladies! Thank you for this post!

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