Speak Out Against Torture

Today from Amnesty International
This past Saturday, with a single stroke of his veto pen, President Bush blocked a tough law forbidding the CIA from using waterboarding and other despicable interrogation “techniques.” We can’t let him have the last word.
In the face of this brutal affront to human rights, we must show that President Bush does not represent the vast majority of American citizens. This starts with each and every one of us acting in our own communities.
Act Now. Call talk radio stations and write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper.
It took thousands of calls, letters and emails from Amnesty activists like you to persuade Congress to pass tough anti-torture legislation. And now, it’s going to take just as much energy and determination to counter Bush’s unconscionable veto.
Let’s make it clear that torture is wrong everywhere, all the time, no matter the circumstances, and no matter which agency does it. And so is putting people on “trial” based on torture-tainted evidence. Bush acted. Now you have to act. Call your local radio station. Write a letter to the editor. Forward this email to as many people as possible.
Speak out against torture. Don’t let Bush have the last word!
President Bush tried today to defeat our efforts to put America on record. But, with spirited protests all across America, we’re going to make it clear that our nation abhors what our President condones.
Please act against torture now.

Posted in The WIP Talk, Uncategorized
2 comments on “Speak Out Against Torture
  1. Elisa says:

    Thank you Sarah for reminding us what we can do. With just a little time and energy from lots of people we can make a difference. Unfortunately there is still alot of havoc Bush can wreck. Citizen activism remains very important.

  2. Nancy Vining Van Ness says:

    We can make a difference and I am also grateful, Sarah, that you posted this. I will definitely act on this.

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