Announcing The WIP 3.0

In 2006, a handful of enthusiastic editors began a collaboration that would ultimately become The WIP. On our first day online, March 7, 2007, I posted my first editorial outlining our vision for The WIP. I imagined “a news website where women were the experts, the public intellectuals, the writers.” I shared with our new community “I am fascinated by the internet and by its potential … by humanity and our potential,” and my thoughts on the media as force for social change. I value news because it is a source of education. I concluded, as purveyors of news, knowledge and insight, “We can do better.”

The WIP has hosted several public events since 2007. Featured in this photograph is author Nomi Prins and nobel laureate Leymah Gbowee at our 2008 event "Women as Social, Political and Economic Agents of Change" held at Teacher's College, Columbia University (New York City).

The WIP has hosted several public events since 2007. Featured in this photograph is author Nomi Prins and Nobel Laureate Leymah Gbowee at our 2008 event “Women as Social, Political and Economic Agents of Change” held at Teacher’s College, Columbia University (New York City).

And we did. For the past 8 ½ years The WIP has provided the stories behind headlines – context that is often overlooked and undervalued. This information is not only informative but transformative. This context – be it historical, forward thinking, or rooted in human rights and social justice is often missing from standard international news reporting. Together our voices have inspired readers of The WIP to not simply notice but to care. The WIP Community cares about our sisters and our transnational plight. The WIP Community is committed to rectifying the injustices faced by so many around the world. Through our stories, we have taught each other what matters. With our words, we have laid out solutions for a just, equitable, and free future for all.

Yet, in our time online, we have not found a funding or partnership model that is sustainable; and now, we must change course to preserve this piece of history in the most effective and valuable way for readers and researchers worldwide who value women’s voices and perspectives. We have posted our final feature articles and blogs and soon will begin to transform all of our hard work and dedication into an educational archive.

The WIP transformation begins this summer when we will build what we like to refer to as “The WIP 3.0.” We are developing a resource that will be as deep as it is wide – an educational archive that our community can search by topic, region of the world, or author; all of it developed from our contributor’s words and articles over the years. The WIP 3.0 will offer users a glimpse into what women worldwide see and experience during this critical period in world history. The WIP 3.0 will share the stories of the journalists, activists, organizations, and the women and men on the ground creating social change in their communities. The WIP 3.0 will serve students, researchers, and news junkies alike.

The WIP attended several of Maria Shriver's Women Conference in Long Beach, CA. Pictured in this photo is WIP Contributor Mridu Khullar from India interviewing then First Lady of California, Maria Shriver.

The WIP has published many interviews with women authors, activists, and celebrities over the years. Pictured in this photo is WIP Contributor Mridu Khullar (India) interviewing then First Lady of California, Maria Shriver.

In 2005 I left teaching to develop The Women’s International Perspective, The WIP, because I had a dream to create change using what the then-emerging blogosphere afforded. That dream has not changed. While online, independent journalism has proved difficult to sustain, I continue to believe in the power of women’s voices and perspectives as vital for social change. I write to you with tremendous excitement for this next evolution of The WIP.

You can be part of transforming The WIP into a permanent archival resource. We are engaged in a final fundraising campaign to create the platform that will immortalize The WIP voices, stories, and advocacy for students, scholars, journalists, and other change-makers. By employing the latest web technology, our writers’ perspectives, evidence, and ideas will be timeless. To donate, please go to our donate page online where you will find instructions for either donating online or donating by check.

Thank you for your support of The WIP Internet News Service over the years. I am eager to begin this next chapter of our lives together.

katharine daniels

Kate Daniels Kurz is the founder and Director of The WIP. She is a Certified Caring Economy Conversation Leader by the Center for Partnership Studies and a graduate of The Global Women’s Leadership Network’s Women Leaders For The World program at Santa Clara University’s Leavey School of Business. Kate teaches Gender and Women’s Studies at Monterey Peninsula College and lives on California’s Central Coast.

Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The WIP Editorial
11 comments on “Announcing The WIP 3.0
  1. Sylvia says:

    Thank you so much for all of the wonderful journalism that you’ve given us over the last 8 1/2 years. The WIP has a very unique perspective and I will miss reading all of your extraordinary articles about the issues shared by women around the world.

  2. Cesar Chelala says:

    Many thanks, Kate, for opening a new way of expression for thousands of women (and also men) from around the world. Cesar

  3. Nancy Vining Van Ness says:

    Kate, you have created a very fine thing in the WIP and I look forward to its new life in a new form.

    All best,

  4. Zubeida Mustafa says:

    Thank you Kate for the wonderful platform you provided to voice women’s concerns and also to show the way for them to solve many of their problems. We will certainly miss The WIP but at least there is The WIP 3.0 to look forward to. Kate, you were a wonderful editor and there are few editors who are prepared to take up the issues you allowed us room for. Thank you and all the best.

  5. Carrie says:

    Kate, you’ve created the most amazing space and it will be sad to see you go. May your next adventure be as meaningful and valuable. Glad to know you and count you a good friend.

  6. Jessie says:

    This does sound very much as if the WIP is closing down. You mention the love and dedication of all who contributed. Viewed from the perspective of another continent, the WIP was always very much an American affair – one which fed on the talents and enthusiasm of women writers from outside the US but failed to pay them properly for their efforts. Yes, the WIP published some good material, but perhaps it also verged on being a little exploitative. The notion of a continuing archive is interesting. That archive will be valuable (if it is properly curated). It will also be a reminder of how America sometimes gets things sorely wrong.

  7. kamakoty k says:

    The WIP Internet News Service was very varied and had a lot of quality. We enjoyed reading it. We are going to miss it. Kate you have left a great legacy. Congrats and all the best.

  8. Tara says:

    Thank you for your hard work, vision and service Kate. I was honored to be at the launch for the WIP and am inspired to see what you’ve created in the years since. Well done.

  9. Pat Hanson says:

    Sad news but not completely, about this stellar journal in its outreach,,perspective, writing and reporting. I am glad the archives will continue and say loudly like the song “don’t give up” in plaintiff notes by Sting, remember”? There must be a funding source out there .. The Women’s Institute at Omega Institute in upstate New York where I am this moment comes to mind for starters … I have a tape on fundraising from a Women Power & Peace program I went to that was life altering that I will send you. Keep your heads up and vision high. Pat Hanson the author of what would’ve been an upcoming article.

  10. Heather R says:

    Kate, Thank you for all your hard work and passion over the years in this valuable endeavor. I will miss the WIP but know that whatever you are doing in the world will be significant; you are an inspiring woman. It was an honor to work for you, albeit brief. I hope to see you around our corner of the globe…

  11. Holly says:

    I’m in Denmark with my daughter and just before I saw this post, I was telling a new friend here about the WIP. Can’t remember how we got on the topic but I talked about the powerful voices you have made space for and your work to breath fresh air into stale conversations. She was deeply impressed and said that that she would, after hearing about the WIP and your work pay more attention so that she too could work as an army of one to bring perspective to topics that are not easily heard. So, though you may be saying farewell, the work you have done has opened the eyes of many and those eyes open the eyes and minds of others… and on it goes. Can’t wait to hear what you come up with next! Congratulations for all you have achieved.

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