Botswana HIV: Mogae in call to legalise homosexuality

Photograph by Flickr user khym54 and used under a creative commons license.

Festus Mogae who currently is the head of the Botswana government-backed Aids Council approves a decriminalization of homosexuality and prostitution in order to prevent the spread of HIV in Botswana.
With a HIV/AIDS rate of 17%, Botswana has one of the highest HIV/Aids rates in the world. However, Mr. Mogaes views are widely seen as controversial because the majority of the population depreciates homosexuality and prostitution. So far, homosexuality and prostitution is illegal in Botswana and will be until the government decides to change the law.
Nevertheless, Mr. Mogae is a widely respected authority in Africa and even favors distributing condoms in prisons in order to fight the dispersion of the disease. He is one of the first politicians who address this issue in public in Botswana in order to change something.

Can the decriminalization of these circumstances, especially the one dealing with prostitution, really reduce the risk of infection for getting HIV/AIDS or would legalization even worsen the situation in Botswana?

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