Stop Mastercard’s Dolphin Cruelty‏

Hotel room at a Singapore resort: $253.
Discounted tickets to watch wild dolphins suffer in captivity: Priceless.
MasterCard is offering discounted tickets to the infamous Resorts World Sentosa, a resort in Singapore that recently kidnapped 27 wild dolphins for an exhibit. Two of those dolphins have already died, and the 25 other dolphins are being held in brutal conditions until construction of the exhibit is complete. The surviving dolphins’ risks of illness and death increase with each day of captivity.

100,000 members have already called on Resorts World Sentosa to release its captive dolphins. If Mastercard cancels its ticket discount promotion, it will put big financial pressure on the resort to finally set the dolphins free. Please sign dolphin activist Barbara Napoles’s petition on calling for Mastercard to stop offering discounted tickets to Resorts World Sentosa.
Statistics for captive dolphins are bleak. While dolphins in the wild usually live for 45 years, more than half of all captured dolphins die within their first two years of captivity. In tanks, dolphins swim around in circles. They can’t hunt. They’re exposed to bacteria that have been known to cause blindness and death.
Resorts World Sentosa has canceled ocean animal exhibits from public pressure in the past. With 100,000 members already calling for the resort to free its captive dolphins, financial pressure from Mastercard could push the resort to finally take action. Please sign the petition to ask Mastercard to cancel its ticket promotion to Resorts World Sentosa at:
Thanks for being a change-maker,
– The team

Posted in The WIP Talk, Uncategorized

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