The Future of Feminism

What do you want the future of feminism to look like? Gloria Steinem posed the question. What do YOU think and what are you going to do to make it happen?

Gloria Steinem

On Monday, August 15th at 9pm EST/PST, HBO Documentary Films will premiere a new documentary titled Gloria Steinem: In Her Own Words, on this phenomenal American feminist icon, journalist, writer and social and political activist who became nationally recognized as a leader of, and media spokeswoman for, the women’s liberation movement in the late 1960s and 1970s.
Rarely does such a feminist occasion occur and the Women’s Media Center ( which Gloria co-founded six years ago is using the film as an opportunity to launch an intergenerational discussion about the future of feminism.
This is a must watch film that Gloria uses as a rallying cry and asks people to use “their own voices” to plot the next 40 years of feminism which are very critical.
If you must miss the August 15th at 9pm EST/PST broadcast, there are more show times as follows:
August 18 – 11am,
August 17 – 8 pm (HBO 2),
August 20 – 2pm,
August 23 – 1:15 PM and 12:30 AM
August 28 – 5:15 PM
Please send this information to anyone who might be interested in the film and the campaign available at
To assist the cause, here’s what you can do:
Host a House Party with “Gloria.”
Gather friends and join the Women’s Media Center on August 15th at 9PM EST as we watch the premiere of the HBO Documentary, “Gloria: In Her Own Words.”
As an activist, Gloria has spent over 40 years creating change, now it’s our turn to step up. Gather some friends and learn about the past and future of the women’s movement.
Click here to learn more and sign-up to Host a Party, visit
Participate in a Live Chat:
Join Gloria on August 16 at 4pm EST/1 PST to talk about the film and the future of feminism. Log into HBO Connect for the chat.
Enter The Video Contest:
Submit a 2-minute video telling us what you want the future of feminism to look like and what you’re going to do to make it happen.
The winner of the contest will have a private 10-minute phone conversation with Gloria Steinem and the winning video will be featured on the Women’s Media Center Website.
Runner up entries will be posted on the Women’s Media Center YouTube channel. Contest will launch on August 15 at 10pm EST following the documentary.
Join The Cause On Facebook:
In 140 characters, write on the Women’s Media Center’s wall what you want the future of feminism to look like.
Join The Cause On Twitter:
Join the tweet-up during the documentary premiere on August 15th to talk about the future of feminism and what Gloria Steinem means to the movement. Use #gloria and #WMC to join the conversation.
For more information, visit
Your thoughts on the future of feminism and the film are very important. Please share them by joining the cause!

Posted in The WIP Talk, Uncategorized
3 comments on “The Future of Feminism
  1. How about questioning the relevance of Feminism?
    Western women have all the rights they could want. They can study to be anything they want. They can do any job they want to study for.
    Am I lying about that?
    Feminism is a dinosaur trying to justify its relevance in the modern world. What is the purpose of Feminism, if not to promote a bias towards women? To promote a permanent psychological victim identity?
    Feminism is curiously Andro-centric (men-centric) It has also produced a generation of women who engage in fruitless, academic navel-gazing, of little consequence to Humanity. “Non-profit” paychecks and echo chamber gratification aside, it is a waste of time.
    A Feminist is the only person who is disappointed upon hearing that she has equal rights. In contrast, a man is the only person who can die in a war and still be accused of being an oppressor.
    Men are chewed up in this world, too. But we are expected to take it on the chin and press on. Is this the “equality” that Feminists want to share in? Of course not. Their grievance industry and Negative Narcissism would not tolerate the lost business.
    For all their condemnations against Patriarchy, Feminists rest quite content with the “Patriarchy” of men doing the toughest and most dangerous jobs.
    Why would women want to be equal to the “evil patriarchy” anyway? How about considering alternatives to equality, such as Gendered Parallel Development? Where is the imagination? If you’re going to have institutionalized women’s organizations, then just go all the way and have gendered institutions (e.g. schools) that affirm each gender on their own terms, without pointless conflict over some impossibly generic notion of “equality”?
    Feminism has become about attributing a “moral supremacy” to women and criminalizing good men. It denigrates men, marriage, pregnancy, and yes, even the idea of equality.
    Divorce, abortion, and single motherhood are nightmares that no sane person would want for their own daughter.
    And yet Feminism was their greatest champion.
    But forget what I’ve just said. I’m a man. A monster that fights for you on the battlefield, hooks up your electricity, and digs trenches across continents so that you can have a bubble bath.
    How about listening to these 63 videos by “Women Against Feminism”?

  2. That photograph of Gloria Steinem: it may just be the lighting, but it is a sad photo to look at. Gloria looks war-weary, beaten down.
    There’s got to be a better way for men and women to get along. A new Men’s Movement should not be about women-bashing (though I do my fair share against “women assholes”).
    At the root of feminism is a self-esteem problem in women.
    There needs to be a Men’s Movement that re-examines masculinity from a man’s psychological needs, and not just what middle-class feminists want.
    Men need to be validated as “warriors”, and not just constantly told they are evil incarnate. Although, I will admit, by having read many of the articles on this site, many men are behaving in a demonic way.

  3. MensRightsVideos says:

    A book that may assist feminists in understanding men from another angle is an out-of-print book called
    “The Explosive Self: The Creative and Destructive Nucleus of the Personality”
    by Joseph Redfearn
    It’s a Jungian psychology approach. It’s a suggestion.

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