Frameline Film Festival: Tonight in San Francisco

I saw Gone the other night at the Elmwood Theater in Berkeley as part of the Frameline Film Festival. Talking about the documentary still upsets me days later as I keep thinking, “How can such injustice and homophobia exist in today’s world?”
The film follows the plight of Kathy Gilleran, a retired police officer from upstate New York, to find out what happened to her son Aeryn, a U.N. employee living in Vienna. Aeryn essentially vanished and has not been heard from or found to this day. Filmmakers Gretchen and John Morning document how the case was mishandled by police who were unabashedly uninterested in an investigation, and Kathy’s unending quest to uncover the truth about her son’s death.
The film screens tonight in San Francisco at the Roxie Theater at 7 p.m. The filmmakers and Gilleran are expected to be in attendance.

Posted in The WIP Talk, Uncategorized

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