Beer Glorious Beer

Those of you who know me well know that I am quite the fan of microbrews, of which there are very few in Latin America. The best beer scene I’ve experienced was at the Largest Oktoberfest outside of Germany in Villa General Belgrano, Argentina. Throughout my travels in L. Am, I’ve noticed a direct correlation between light beers and hot climates. I mean, when it’s 90 degrees out with 90% humidity, a Stout or Porter isn’t really your go-to beverage.
That being said, the lighter pilsner-style lagers that are ubiquitous in Colombia (and the rest of near-Equator countries) all begin to taste the same after a while. In Bogota, a BJ’s Brewhouse-type restaurant has sprung up recently called “Bogota Beer Company.” Their house beers are quite delicious, as well as having an impressive selection of European imports. 4 years ago, Medellín made its foray into the world of “cerveza artesanal” (microbrews) with the beginning of the 3 Cordilleras Brewery. These guys have quite an impact on the tourist-frequented areas, with most places having taps for the 3 types: a hefewiesen, a pale ale and an amber ale. As you can see below, we’re putting the finishing touches on The Wandering Paisa bar and last week, were able to get 3 Cordilleras on tap:

Needless to say, we are excited about having our first event with the bar this upcoming friday. As the bar is still yet unnamed, we are having a contest to see who can come up with the best name! (the winner gets a bottle of tequila) So far, the names we have brainstormed are: “The Stumbling Paisa”, “Paisa Bar”, “Paisa Pub”. We will let you know the results when its finished! Until next time!
-Miles (and Brent)

Posted in The WIP Talk, Uncategorized

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