Sundance: Park City at Midnight Equals Waitlist Victory

After seeing three movies yesterday, I was ready to see one more before calling it a night. But it needed to be something funny as I had just watched The Last Mountain – an intensely moving and depressing documentary about coal mining in West Virginia. After failing at two attempts to procure waitlist tickets, I got on a bus filled with drunk college kids. The ride to Main Street seemed like an eternity. I then quickly made my way over to Main Street’s Egyptian Theater for the 12 a.m. screening of a Park City at Midnight film. I thought I was seeing Septien. Apparently I can’t read a schedule, because the people next to me in line informed me that we were actually waiting to see The Catechism Cataclysm. And they would know as they were Septien’s producers Brooke Bernard and Ryan Zacaria. Eventually I secured a waitlist seat for The Catechism Cataclysm (victory!), which was a pleasant surprise at 11:45 p.m. I spent the next 81 minutes laughing. The Catechism Cataclysm can best be described a bromance between two misfits with a dash of absurd horror. It was pure Park City at Midnight!
Tonight I am hoping to see Septien at the midnight screening. But if I am not as lucky on the waitlist front, the film will be available on video on demand starting later this week as part of their distribution deal with IFC.

Posted in The WIP Talk, Uncategorized

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