Seeking Films To Showcase For Women’s History Month

March is Women’s History Month and Women In Film & Video is partnering with the Washington Public Library’s MLK Library to screen films by and about women, and we would especially like to showcase locally-made projects.
We are seeking your films/videos, short and long form, fiction and non-fiction, particularly (but not exclusively) on the following topics:
– Mother/Daughter Relationships
– Growing Older
– Women & Technology
– Immigration
MLK Library can screen DVDs, DVCPro tapes and 16mm film, and they prefer standard NTSC.
We would also like to invite selected filmmakers to personally present their films and participate in Q&As following the screening of their film. This film series will take place on each Tuesday evening in March.
Please note that, as part of a DC Public Library program, this is a public service and there is no financial compensation for filmmakers participating in this Film Series.
Submit projects for viewing on DVD, post-marked on January 24th at the latest, along with a self-addressed stamped mailer to:
Women in Film and Video
3628 12th Street NE
Washington, DC 20017
Note that submission does not guarantee selection.
If you have any questions, please email them to

Posted in The WIP Talk, Uncategorized

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