With Taxes We Buy Civilization

The goateed face of Fred Thompson, Law and Order actor, one time senator, and failed presidential candidate doing tax-hating video bites to preserve the deficit bloating Bush tax cuts is the latest in a series of right-wing maneuvers to promote factional greed and ignorance. Video bites like Fred’s are a principal source of public information and no counter-bites have appeared.

Where is the immediate response strategy of the ’08 Obama Campaign? It may be beneath presidential dignity for Obama to return to the campaign trenches. So send a stand-in with equivalent or greater visibility to Fred Thompson’s to educate the country about who is and who isn’t going to pay more taxes if the Bush tax cuts are not extended. The faction bearing the income tax increase is Americans earning more than $250,000. Why shouldn’t they? “With taxes” Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes once said, “we buy civilization.”

It is delusional to forget that an unscrupulous right-wing enemy has been waging a media war against democrats and progressives since Obama took the oath of office. It’s time to bite back.

Posted in The WIP Talk, Uncategorized

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