More than a Spill: The Oil Catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico

Listen to the May 9th broadcast of Sundays at Five by clicking the play button below.
Kate and Ali discuss the ramifications of the catastrophic oil rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico. They point out that the media seems to vastly underplay the effects of this disaster, despite the fact that it may result in severe environmental implications. The special guest this week is Dr. Sonja Olson of the Blue Pearl Veterinary Partners in Florida, who specializes in toxicology and wildlife. Dr. Olson explains in full the effects that the oil and the chemical solvents used to combat it will have upon the animals and surrounding environment. The bottom line is that this situation highlights several issues that we must consider for the future: corporate greed, lack of accountability and infrastructure for preventing oil spills, and a dire need to search for sources of alternative sources of energy which are more environmentally friendly.

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Please visit the following web sites to see what you can do to help:
National Wildlife Federation
Oiled Wildlife Network
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Sierra Club
Matter of Trust
Dawn Dish Detergent
Guest Biography: Dr. Sonja Olson is head of the emergency veterinary clinic at the Blue Pearl Florida Veterinary Specialists program based in Tampa. She specializes in toxicology and wildlife, and thus has a unique perspective on what may happen to the animals and surrounding environment as a result of this catastrophe.
About the Broadcast: The WIP’s Executive Editor, Kate Daniels teams up with identical twin sister Ali Daniels to present Sundays at Five, a weekly radio broadcast on KRXA, Monterey Bay’s Progressive Talk Radio station. The twins share stories and discuss topics ranging from campaign finance reform to the phenomenon of Facebook. Tune in every Sunday from 5-6 pm PDT or listen online. Podcasts of previous broadcasts are available on The WIP Talk.
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