California Education: From State Budgets to State Standards

Listen to the March 28th broadcast of Sundays at Five by clicking the play button below.
Kate and Ali speak with public school teacher Gianna De Persiis Vona about both her experiences in the classroom as well as her belief that the standardized testing system imposed by the government proves detrimental to both students and teachers alike.
In the second half of the show, Bill Monning, California Assembly Member of the 27th district, connects us to the pulse of what is going on in our state government by explaining why education is typically the first victim of budget cuts. He also explains the ramifications of the 2/3 vote rule in Sacramento and gives us citizens some advice on what we can do to help remedy the situation.
Guest Biographies:
Gianna De Persiis Vona is a public school teacher in Sebastapol, CA, who works with disadvantaged students in a continuing education program. She is also a writer who chronicles her experiences and airs her frustrations with educational bureaucracy on her blog The Whiteboard Report.
Bill Monning is the Assembly Member for the 27th district of California who specializes in mediation and has a vested interest in ensuring that the government is changed to better help California’s citizens.

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About the Broadcast: The WIP’s Executive Editor, Kate Daniels teams up with identical twin sister Ali Daniels to present Sundays at Five, a weekly radio broadcast on KRXA, Monterey Bay’s Progressive Talk Radio station. The twins share stories and discuss topics ranging from campaign finance reform to the phenomenon of Facebook. Tune in every Sunday from 5-6 pm PDT or listen online. Podcasts of previous broadcasts are available on The WIP Talk.
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