Sundance: Director’s Cut

What makes Sundance so special is the access to filmmakers. My favorite part of the festival is the post-screening Q&As with directors and casts. There is just something so interesting about hearing the “talent” discuss their creative process, and a charming antidote about on-set tomfoolery never hurts.


This year’s festival premieres two directorial debuts by two of my favorite actors: Mark Ruffalo (Sympathy for Delicious) and Phillip Seymour Hoffman (Jack Goes Boating). In both films, the actor/directors direct themselves. Ruffalo has a supporting role as a priest, and Hoffman cast himself as the film’s title character. Sympathy for Delicious is competing in the U.S. Dramatic category, and Jack Goes Boating is a Premiere not in competition.


Having seen the films in the same 24 hour period, I prefer Sympathy for Delicious. The film is more original and thought-provoking. But Hoffman does have great chemistry with actress (and his longtime friend) Amy Ryan in Jack Goes Boating. In Sympathy for Delicious worked with his friend screenwriter Christopher Thorton. The film’s title character, DJ “Delicious” Dean, is recently paralyzed and living on the streets of Los Angeles when he discovers he has the unique ability to faith heal everyone expect himself. Thorton, who plays the title character, started writing the screenplay after he was paralyzed in an accident and attended a faith healing. During the post-screening Q&A, Ruffalo said he asked Thorton if he could direct the script during his own bachelor party so Thorton couldn’t say “no.” Ten years later the film is debuting at Sundance!
In their respective post-screening Q&A, Ruffalo and Hoffman both acknowledged that the fun in directing your own movie is that you get to pick your own cast, and therefore work with your friends. This creative freedom made both actor/directors almost giddy post-screening. Working with your friends on a project you truly believe in sounds likes a pretty good gig!
In an unexpected celebrity sighting, as I was leaving the theater after seeing Sympathy for Delicious, I saw Ron Livingston of Office Space fame. He seemed a bit crabby as he was looking for a restroom. Or maybe it is just disconcerting having people stare at you thinking “I know that guy is famous for something” as you’re trying to find a restroom. Just as I realized who Ron Livingston is, he was whisked behind a black curtain by a volunteer. Oh to be famous!
* Movie posters courtesy of the Sundance Film Festival.

Posted in The WIP Talk, Uncategorized

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