The Desire for Freedom

I am Hanif and just became 29,
No no! Don’t look down here, you won’t find me!
I am the one who’s looking at you from the blue sky
I am a shining star in the darkest night
And I am longing for the sun rise
My heart is still burning from hotness of the bullet,
The bullet which dressed me in red of my blood.
I wonder, desiring for freedom is a crime today
So I’m the biggest criminal!
The darkness saw the desire flame in my eyes
Now I am the star, watching you from the above

The situation in Iran is of concern to everyone. We are witnessing everyday the savagery that ended with at least 20 killed by shooting and the running over of the people by police vehicles. This was due to the nation-wide uprising that started following Iran’s sham election and came to a turning point in the day of Ashura against the dictators ruling in Iran and will never end until freedom and peace reach Iran.

Me and my brother, Hanif.

I and my brother Hanif, who was 29 years old when he was killed only because he was seeking freedom in Iran, had a great life in Sweden and we didn’t have a clue that one day I would say farewell to him forever. I used to study in the field of society research and Hanif used to study medical care. We had the best life and all the joy and happiness, but we decided to make a change for the future of Iran and bring back the freedom that was stolen by the Iranian regime. For this reason I am now living in my second home in Camp Ashraf located north of Baghdad.
Today I am witnessing in Iran the same oppression that occurred in the past in Ashraf, which means shooting straight at my fellow residents, running over them with military vehicles, beating them with batons and exploding tear gases. I was injured in the face during the attack on July 28 by the Iraqi forces and my brother Hanif got shot in his heart. What was his crime? Did they kill him just because he did not want to leave his home? Or, because he was seeking freedom for Iran?
Today we see the main reason that the Iranian regime has an open hand in killing, executing, and oppressing us. It is because of the western countries’ appeasing policy towards the Iranian regime and their silence about the future threats to Ashraf residents as opponents to the regime in Iran. The mullahs’s excuse to oppress us is that the PMOI members have been designated as terrorists in the US FTO list. This designation is only to appease the mullahs in Iran. We should not forget that the PMOI was removed from the black list in Europe and England after seven European court rulings. This clearly shows that the designation of the PMOI by the US State Department, which has yet to be removed is an injustice and is the outcome of collusion with the Iranian mullahs.
The time has come to make a change in Iran. The only way to end the dictatorship in Iran is to support the Iranian people’s uprising. The US should stop its appeasing policy towards the mullahs. The name of the main opposition in Iran which is the Mojahedin must be removed from the US list so there would be no more excuses for the Iranian regime to oppress and kill its opposition inside and outside of Iran. My younger brother Hanif was killed because of the terrorist label against the PMOI by the US that has justified his killing without any punishment.
Ms. Asefeh Emami
Resident of Camp Ashraf – Iraq

Posted in The WIP Talk, Uncategorized

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