Living Proof Project

When the email arrived in my spam folder inviting me to view the Living Proof Project from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation I responded yes. The event tonight in Washington DC was much more important than I could have anticipated. The Gates Foundation, and Bill and Melinda Gates in particular started the evening by thanking the American tax payer. The stories from around the globe from Nicaragua, to Ethiopia, to Tanzania, of the “living proof” of the difference these efforts make were highlighted. You see our – the American tax payer dollars contributed through US Aid programs globally does make a difference. The presentation tonight focused on the impact of those contributions to fighting disease, treating patients, providing education and resources to fight malaria, HIV/Aids, polio, infant mortality, death in child birth, and rotavirus (to name a few).
Living Proof Project
Please share this site with others. If we all work together by 2025 we can help to save millions of children from these illnesses and increase the hope of these families for a brighter tomorrow.
In these tough and challenging times for America we must acknowledge that we can still play a role in helping others. We are facing our own pandemic with H1N1 and the reality of the fragility of our own existence and that of our neighbors should awaken a stronger awareness about the continued need for us to have a position of leadership in the fight to save all lives.
The videos were real. The impact genuine. It reminded me of Dickens Christmas Carol and the ghost of what is to be. We have been provided a glimpse of the future. We should keep in mind what may be the future can be altered with our efforts.
I am happy to email anyone more information if interested.
Thank you.
Susan Lavine
Washington DC

Posted in The WIP Talk, Uncategorized

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