Americans for UNFPA: 2009 Program for the Health and Dignity of Women

Today I volunteered at an exciting event organized by Americans for UNFPA. The fundraiser lunch, which was part of the 2009 Program for the Health and Dignity of Women, featured Afghani social entrepreneur Sakena Yacoobi as the keynote speaker. Dr. Yacoobi’s dedication to improving the lives of Afghani women through her Afghan Institute of Learning (AIL) was so inspiring that the crowd was on their feet feverishly clapping as she finished her speech! I felt especially honored that she agreed to a short interview with me after the program.

Not everyone can afford a $125 seat at today’s lunch (or volunteer so you can attend for free!), so it’s great that there will be a public event tomorrow evening at Mills College in Oakland. Dr. Yacoobi will be speaking from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Mills College Student Union. More information can be found here.

Posted in The WIP Talk

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