Happy Belated New Year!

The number 7 holds a special place because it is said by many to be a lucky number and the number of completion.
I was too busy to wish everyone a happy New Year on the 1st so decided to hold off till today, the 7th day of the New Year. When I thought about it, I was like, wow! Is it the 7th already?
This goes to show that this year will be fast moving one. This is not the year to take life as it comes, we must grab it by the horns.
I hope all my hard working sisters out there have started it with a big bang, charging forward to accomplish all dreams and desires.
However, if some of us have not, well all is not lost. There is still plenty of time to fall off the wagon and get back on. As long as we keep moving forward we will be just fine.
Remember that success is a journey not a destination, so enjoy the 2009 part of your life’s journey.
Have a great year everyone!

Posted in The WIP Talk, Uncategorized

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