A Win For Internet Freedom!

Finally a major victory to keep the internet open and free, helping to ensure that independent media stays alive on the net! In a historic decision earlier this week, on August 1st FCC Chairman Kevin Martin and Commissioners Michael Copps and Jonathan Adelstein found Comcast – the Largest Cable Provider in America – guilty of illegally blocking peer-to-peer sharing for interfering with methods of public discourse. Josh Silver, leading the fight against Comcast and executive director of Free Press, issued the following statement:
“The FCC’s bipartisan decision to punish Comcast is a major victory. Defying every ounce of conventional wisdom in Washington, everyday people have taken on a major corporation and won an historic precedent for an open Internet.”
This is a major victory for independent media across the board as it becomes clear that larger gatekeepers like Comcast cannot control the freedom that we have as individuals to search and share information. What is even more epic about the decision is that it is now clear that we have support of even The FCC to keep this freedom alive. Net Neutrality is the last beacon of hope for freedom of expression on the internet and we need to make sure the fight continues to support internet freedom so voices like The WIP can continue to bring true independent perspectives and journalism to the general public.

Posted in The WIP Talk, Uncategorized

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