Social Networking Site Put into Action: Darfur Blog on Myspace Encourages Awareness

With the advances of technology comes more means to communicate; more people around the world are interconnected. We have the ability to get in touch with people anywhere about matters that involve us all. World events affect us in many different ways. We are firmly in the information age and as such, I started a blog about Darfur and how the tragedies that occur there should not be buried by the news of the day – the news cycle. The tragedies in Darfur have been ongoing. The WIP is featuring my article Social Networking Site Put into Action: Darfur Blog on Myspace Encourages Awareness this weekend. This article is a jumping-off point for me to begin sharing my blog with readers of The WIP by cross-posting my Darfur coverage on the WIP TALK. By blogging about international events, people can stay informed and help those who feel helpless, stuck in conflicts, have a voice. It also helps build a community of people who are dedicated to staying informed about the conditions of Darfur victims.

Posted in The WIP Talk, Uncategorized

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