Carrie R. Sparrevohn

carrie_r_sparrevohn_150Carrie Sparrevohn has worked in the United States, providing health care to women, for nearly 30 years. She has a bachelor’s degree in Anthropology from the University of California, Riverside and received her education as a midwife in the traditional way, by apprenticing.

As a midwife, Carrie has been active in birth politics for many years as president of the California Association of Midwives, Chair of their Legislative Committee and as a member of the Midwifery Advisory Council (MAC) to the Medical Board of California. She is also the founder and Executive Director of the Sally Clinic Project of With Woman, in Uganda. Carrie received the “Brazen Woman” award from the California Association of Midwives in 2007 and the “Making a Difference for Women” award from her local Soroptimist’s chapter in 2008. She has published articles in Midwifery Today and the California Association of Midwives Newsletter.

Carrie is the mother of seven children and has four grandchildren. In her spare time she reads, gardens and writes.

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