Where were you on Saturday?

Loading the headlines just now the majority coming in from the wire were bombings, blasts, death, and injury. They read: Two dead in Afghan suicide blast near foreign troops; Pakistan bomb kills Turk, wounds 5 Americans; One dead, 13 injured in bomb blast in Thai south; Considerable’ number killed, 200 hurt in Albanian munitions blast – and this was all on Saturday.
I’ve made space for all the ‘other’ news in our headlines. But really, these headlines are too dreadful to ignore.
What do we say when:
A suicide bomber blew up an explosives-filled car near international troops in eastern Afghanistan Saturday, killing two Afghan boys and wounding a NATO soldier, officials said.
A series of powerful blasts rocked an army depot housing communist-era munitions near the Albanian capital Saturday, killing at least five people and injuring 200, with many more feared dead, officials said.
A Turkish woman was killed and five Americans were among 11 people wounded in a bomb attack on a restaurant in the Pakistani capital of Islamabad on Saturday night, police said.
A powerful car bomb exploded at a hotel car park Saturday, killing at least one person and injuring 13 others in Thailand’s restive Muslim-majority south, an army spokesman and hospital official said.
Let’s talk.

Posted in The WIP Talk, Uncategorized
One comment on “Where were you on Saturday?
  1. marie says:

    That’s definitely a perspective to think about Kate. I woke up this morning and walked to a yoga class, came home and made brunch then took a nap before visiting friends in the afternoon for tea and a movie. A crane fell here in Manhattan tearing down an entire townhouse and killing four people, but headlines are still focusing on Governor Spitzer’s resignation, because sadly, I think people get an addicted high from watching other people’s lives fall apart.
    It’s really strange to consider what’s going on in the rest of the world as we speak. I am incredibly grateful for the life I have. For any one else reading this right now, especially those women and men who are on other continents around the world, what did you do today? If you share a little bit about your daily life with me, I get to know you a little better and then we create a collective consciousness, a thread that unites each of us, and consequently connects our communities.
    What’s going on in your life, in your part of the world right now?
    marie, new york city march 16, 2008

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