The Week in Review

Here are a few things that have interested me in the last week:
A small story on NPR about non-profits (namely Habitat for Humanity) buying up houses and lots that were out of their price range a year ago. After hearing so much doom and gloom about the American economy, especially the housing market, it was refreshing to hear that at least non-profits can benefit from the downward economy.
Since I am all about D.I.Y. projects and reusing everything, I have long been a fan of ReadyMade magazine. I was very excited to read this interview with the magazine’s founder and editor-in-chief Shoshana Berger. She’s such an inspirational woman!
I exclusively drink milk from the Straus Family Creamery; milk just tastes better in glass containers! Buying milk in glass bottles that I then return to the grocery store also coincides with my plight to use less plastic and create less waste. I was understandably excited when I found Saint Benoît Yogurt in reusable terracotta containers at the grocery store last week. And it is the tastiest yogurt I’ve ever had!
I wanted to end my first blog entry on a feminist note. So, I will mention a new movie that I cannot wait to see: Girls Rock! I only regret that I’m too old to go to rock camp this summer.

Posted in The WIP Talk, Uncategorized
2 comments on “The Week in Review
  1. Nancy Vining Van Ness says:

    You rock even if you are too old to go to rock camp! Thanks for all the interesting things to read. I hope you will post lots more.

  2. Elisa says:

    To me everything tastes better in glass. And it’s so much easier to reuse and recycle. I will look for Saint Benoit yogurt–it sound’s delicious. Thanks for your post. I’m looking foeward to more.

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