Something Fundamental

by Louise Belfrage
News Editor, The WIP


One day, while I was sitting in a shoebox of an apartment in Once, Buenos Aires’ Hassidic neighborhood, Kate called me up on a crippled phone line and asked me if I would be interested in working with her.

I had just moved from Stockholm to Buenos Aires, intending to set up a life in one of the world’s most exciting cities. I was also looking for a way to start my own business, not knowing the least of where to start. At this transitory stage, it so happened that my best friend, Nina, had gotten me in touch with Katharine Daniels. Nothing surprises me anymore — life works its magic and all one has to do is follow along with it. Without hesitation.

Kate asked me if I’d be interested to work on a brave new project, The WIP, and edit international news written by women — for all readers. What an astonishing woman, I thought. She’s on to something fundamental.

I had worked with media for the last seven years in Sweden, most recently heading a newly started national television channel for the arts and social sciences. But to be given the possibility to work with women journalists from all around the world, that is a privilege.

This is the challenge — to enhance the readership of women journalists and to increase the quality and value of news and journalistic writing, for the reader, for all of us. Hard news of high quality is getting more and more difficult to come by today, when news is more a commodity than an essential part of a democratic society. Readers are considered consumers. How are we to trust news if the ads in the papers are valued higher, by the editors, than the articles next to them?

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The WIP Editorial
3 comments on “Something Fundamental
  1. alexandra Daniels says:

    It’s amazing that you are all so spread out around the world, yet working so closely together. It gives me hope that everyday people around the world can begin to work together more. May the WIP contribute to that dream. I look forward to meeting you Louise and best of luck!

  2. Javier says:

    Las investigaciones que planteas me gustan, es que investigan de forma empírica, debido que refleja el estudio de un fenómeno de la realidad.
    De acuerdo a tu finalidad es una investigación aplicada, debido a que intenta demostrar la situación de un sector, como así también el porque de esta situación.
    De acuerdo a su alcance temporal, es una investigación diacrónica o longitudinal, debido a que implica investigar, en distintos tiempos, o mas claramente en un período de tiempo, el desarrollo y dentro de éstas, su retrospectiva.
    De acuerdo al tipo de estudio que requiere, sería un estudio exploratorio, y dentro de lo posible explicativo.
    Con respecto a su amplitud sería en primera instancia una investigación macrosocial, debido a que estudia un sector puntual como puede ser el caso de DARFUR, e incide en otro sector opinión urbana mundial, por lo que aborda diferentes ámbitos.
    Por último, la investigación, de acuerdo a sus objetivos generales y específicos es cuali-cuantitativa y de acuerdo a su marco, es tu investigación.
    Te felicito.

  3. elisa says:

    Thank you Louise for publishing and leading us through the Byline Portal to fascinating articles by women journalists worldwide. You are accomplishing your mission!
    I value my time reading the WIP several times a week and hope readers around the world feel the same.

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