Welcome to the new Middlebury College Wellness website. Through this site we bring together a wide array of information to help us all be well. We are focused on simple ideas and suggestions that we can bring to bear on our daily life. These range from events, places to go that will revive the spirit, readings about the body, the connection of mind and spirit to wellness, and opportunities for exercise and movement.

Each week during the semester we’ll post a ‘tip of the week’ that you can act on right then. All of the tips will be archived on the website, allowing you to review past tips, and to find related resources

Let’s get started:

This week’s tip is: Sign Up for Body Fit with Nina Vila!

We hope you make use of this new website regularly. If you have a tip you want to share, please feel free to send us it via email at wellnesstips@middlebury.edu or via our suggestion box.

You can also Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/WellnessatMiddlebury


photo credit: Mitra Sahara