2008 Web Statistics – Browser & OS

The following data represents 2008’s summary of “top three” browser & operating system statistics for our http://www.middlebury.edu website.




  1. 61.7% – Internet Explorer
  2. 26.2% – Firefox
  3. 11.8% – Safari

Operating Systems

  1. 81.4% – PC
  2. 18.4% – Mac
  3. 0.1% – Linux




  1. 58.1% – Internet Explorer
  2. 26.2% – Firefox
  3. 14.2% – Safari

Operating Systems

  1. 77.4% – Windows
  2. 21.4% – Mac
  3. 0.8% – Linux


Combined (Internal & External)


  1. 59.6% – Internet Explorer
  2. 26.2% – Firefox
  3. 13.1% – Safari

Operating Systems

  1. 78.8% – Windows
  2. 20.1% – Mac
  3. 0.5% – Linux


Summary: Majority of visitors using Internet Explorer on Windows.