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The following is a list of my recent course offerings at Middlebury College. Please visit the Geology Department website and the college Catalog for the most up-to-date information about course availability.
GEOL 0111: Natural Hazards
Despite increasing technological sophistication, modern civilization remains vulnerable to natural hazards such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, flooding, landslides, extraterrestrial impacts, and other events. In this course we will consider the geologic mechanisms behind these hazards, the societal implications of these hazards, and approaches to reducing risk. Case studies will be combined with exploration of fundamental geologic concepts to provide students a foundation for understanding risk exposure and evaluating approaches to hazard management. (Not open to students who have taken GEOL 0112 or 0170) 3 hrs. lect./1 hr. disc.
GEOL 0201: Bedrock Geology of Vermont
This course explores the fascinating geology of Vermont. Students learn the geology through six field problems, involving extended trips around western Vermont. Lectures on the meaning of rocks support the fieldwork. The last few indoor labs are devoted to understanding the geologic map of Vermont. Emphasis is on descriptive writing and on use of data to interpret origin of rocks. Culminates in a written report on the geologic and plate tectonic evolution of Vermont. (One geology course) 3 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab/field trips
GEOL 0300: Introduction to Petrology
An introduction to processes involved in the formation of igneous and metamorphic rocks. The first half of the course includes inquiry into the classification, plate tectonic setting, and evolution of volcanic and plutonic igneous rocks. The second half includes study of progressive metamorphism, the pressure-temperature- time history of metamorphic rocks, and the relation between metamorphism and plate tectonics. Labs will include thin section studies of igneous and metamorphic rocks, as well as field trips in Vermont and the Adirondacks. (GEOL 0211) 3 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab/field trips
GEOL 1035: Field Geology in Active Tectonic Environments
Course Description:
In this off-campus course students will gain experience through field-based exercises designed to emphasize observation, sample and data collection, and interpretation of geologic phenomena. By carrying out field work in diverse tectonic environments, students will be exposed to geologic processes complementary to those found in New England. Students will gain a broader understanding of topics including tectonics, volcanism, stratigraphy, soil formation, hydrology, structural analyses, field mapping, geomorphology and hazard assessment. The four-week course consists of three weeks off-campus followed by one week on-campus, culminating with small group research projects and reports emphasizing integration of field observations with instrumental analysis in on-campus laboratories. Approval Only (any two 200-level courses in GEOL; priority to Juniors and Seniors) WTR
Blog from January 2018:
Video from January 2018