Ben Arriola
One of my goals in this class was to become better with Premiere. This exercise was the first time I felt like I was using the software as a creative tool that let me explore source material. While this reads as an Evil Dead sequence, it also feels like something new. I discovered new relationships between shots and new meanings behind the scenes when I rearranged sequences.
While the tone of this film is silly, I wanted to see if I could give it more of a dramatic edge. I added this famous quote by Nietzsche, and added a very creepy dissonant soundtrack. For me, this moment felt more dramatic and genuinely scary than the rest of Evil Dead. I actually layered a new score over the original. This was actually a mistake I made while assembling the piece, but I ended up really liking the dissonance it created, so I tweaked it and kept a version of it for the original.
For my voiceover, I wanted to use this iconic shot where the monster is looking into the cabin. I discovered it during my ‘monster supercut’ exercise, where I made a supercut of all the monster POV shots in Evil Dead. Similar shots have been used in countless other horror movies, so I was interested to see if people would understand my video without watching Evil Dead. As I was working on this, I was reminded of an essay that cultural critic Rayne Fisher-Quann had released that day. The essay related to how the internet was treating an Instagram model who dated Adam Levine while he was married. It seemed to me that she was a victim of the internet’s hate without merit.
In this video, I wanted to take apart some of the fake intellectualism I’ve seen from Youtube *NOT* financial advice. I often see people use buzzwords and gloss over extremely complex topics in ‘explainers’ that are clearly being distributed as financial advice. In the ‘crypto’ space, this is often overlooked because the market is so volatile. However, I knew that there was an extremely visible example of a massive scam and failure- FTX/ their FTX token. I hoped to look at the way people were talking about this product a year ago. So much of it was fluff and PR nonsense, and this should never have been used as financial advice. Unfortunately, there’s still a ton of this kind of content on YouTube. Crypt currencies are rarely safe investments, but hundreds of thousands of people watch this kind of content and clearly look to it as investment advice.
Recently, I’ve been randomly watching the silly vlogger DamianLuck925. His videos are funny and kind of relaxing but extremely stupdi. Even though I only watch him for a few minutes at a time, I realized that I’ve accidentally become a fan of something I would have laughed at a few months ago. I used this essay to talk about parasocial relations, and I analyzed why I think I enjoy this content. I tried to use elements of his style, and tried to show some of what makes him funny and interesting.