Venture Tales

Adventures in Social Enterpreneurship, self-discovery, and everything inbetween.

This is just the beginning…


So, this is my first post, therefore I should probably introduce myself. I’m Malorie B. and I’m the type of person who loves having adventures, meeting new people, and learning new things. I’ve started one business and now I’m on to the next one. So far, I’m overwhelmed with ideas on how to change the world, but that one, magical, once-in-a-lifetime, start-up idea still eludes me.

Now I’m embarking on a quest of sorts, one that will hopefully take me around the world, in search of my next venture and also allow me to help others flesh out their ideas. I’ve already met many people with awesome business ventures, from seed-stage and beyond, and it’s been a blast helping them develop their ideas further.

This blog will chronicle my continued quest to help people develop their ideas, and hopefully find my own idea in the process. In the very least this experience will yield some interesting conversations and stories for the grandchildren.

P.S. If you would like to share your ideas, please feel free. It never hurts to get a second opinion. Cheers!

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