Here are paintings done by Russian Painters depicting Russian life from Tolstoi’s era and the period of Anna Karenina. The images look at Tolstoi himself, peasants, and nobility, to truly give one a picture of Russia.
Fedotov, Pavel: “Difficult Bride” (1847):
Fedotov, Pavel: “Untimely Guest (Aristorcrat’s Breakfast)” (1847-49)
Fedotov, Pavel: “Portrait of Second Captain Vannovsky” (1849)
Fedotov, Pavel: “Portrait of N. P. Zhdanovich at the Harpsichord” (1849-50)
Fedotov, Pavel “The Major’s Marriage Proposal” (1851)
Kramskoy, Ivan “Unknown Woman” (1882)
Serov, Valentin “Portrait of Count Felix Sumarokov-Elstone, later Prince Yusupov” (1903)
Kramskoy, Ivan “Leo Tolstoy” (1873)
Repin, Ilya “Portrait of Leo Tolstoy” (1887)
Repin, Ilya “Portrait of Leo Tolstoy as a Ploughman on a Field” (1887)
Vasilyev, Feodor “Wet Meadow” (1872)
Kramskoy, Ivan “Portrait of an Old Peasant” (1872)
(All photos curtousey of Olga’s Gallery:
(Reference to Images of Tolstoi’s time from UPenn Syllabus “Anna Kerinina as it follows Russian History”)