The moment I am back home Lydia drops in to remind me that her latest charity binge is coming to fruition. I know I spend most of my evenings with these ladies, and have for years, but how is it that only just now has it become apparent that it can’t be genuine? They are all old, unattractive and allegedly pious… they call their set the “Conscience of the Upper East Side.” My husband adores them, it is through him that we are acquainted, but I suddenly find them unbearable! For a woman preaching Christian love, Lydia is awfully angry and spiteful. She is always yelling at the help and damning people to hell for holding up traffic or taking the last Blahniks in her size. I’m so tired of going to all these functions. Don’t misunderstand me, I value philanthropy, I am just not sure how I have been living so contentedly and blindly in this company for so long!
Another option is not much better. Everyone from Karenin’s work is predictable- I know who spat out their gum and who stepped in it. I know who married into money and who has affairs with corporate secretaries and trust fund socialite starlets. I find this world of corporate masculinity and business unappetizing and do my best to avoid their functions.
Then there is Betsy. Thank God for Betsy. True, she is over the top. She didn’t need to have the children’s bathroom redone with onyx flooring or to put that horrendous diamond chandelier in the foyer… but she is just vivacious and surrounded by beauty… how could I not love her? True, I used to think her lavish parties outrageous, but I can’t bear the company of anyone else. Besides, I deserve good company! I think I’ll be calling on her quite frequently