How To Navigate Job Search Amid Uncertainty – A Conversation With Diane Mouradian

The 5th episode of “How to Navigate Job Search Amid Uncertainty” is a conversation with Diane Mouradian on how we can care for our emotional well-being overall and for those going through job search while the world is grappling with the pandemic. Diane is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and a nationally certified Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapist.

This is week 4 of the “shelter in place” order in California during the 2020 coronavirus outbreak and as of now a third of the global population is on coronavirus lockdown. This is no doubt an event of global proportion affecting us professionally and personally.

My key takeaways:

  • Acknowledge the stressors
  • Minimize negative triggers/increase positive triggers
  • Focus on what is within your control
  • Stay connected with others

2 Responses

  1. thankyou for sharing this great post about How To Navigate Job Search . i like the takeaway points that you shared. it will helps me alot.

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