T Sept. 3 Introductions; Seamus Heaney, “Digging.”
Why Work? Frameworks for Comprehension
T Sept 10 Karl Marx, “Estranged Labor”; clips from Charlie Chaplin, Modern Times; Pinsky, “Shirt.”
Th Sept. 12 Max Weber, from The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism; Colson Whitehead, from John Henry Days (handout, or download PDF here).
*Middlebury Academic Honesty Tutorial*
Women’s Work
T Sept. 17 Mika Rottenberg, Dough (please also watch Coolhunting and Tateshots clips on Youtube, and the excerpt from Seven).
Th Sept. 19 Susan Glaspell, Trifles.
F Sept. 20 Paper 1 due
Picturing Globalization
T Sept. 24 Lisa Lowe, “Globalization”; Allan Sekula, from Fish Story (please peruse photos and read text for the following chapters: “Fish Story” (7-30), “Loves and Fishes” (31-40) and “Dismal Science: Part 1” (41-54); Sebastiao Salgado on Artstor; Salgado piece in SF Chronicle.
W Sept. 25 Screening: Dirty Pretty Things (8PM McCardell Bicentennial Hall 338).
Th Sept. 26 Nancy Scheper-Hughes, “The Global Traffic in Human Organs”; discuss Dirty Pretty Things; “Cleaning Woman” public service announcement.
F Sept. 27 Rewrite of Paper 1 due.
The Art of Work
T Oct. 1 Julia Bryan-Wilson, “From Artists to Art Workers”; Works by Hans Haacke (on main page of blog).
Th Oct. 3 Special library Workshop with Richard Jenkins (Library 105); Art Workers Coalition research exercise.
Professionalism and Service Work
T Oct. 8 Short bibliography from library session due (please be ready to share informally what you found.) Kazuo Ishiguro, The Remains of the Day, pp. 1-44.
Th Oct. 10 screening: The Remains of the Day
F Oct. 11 First draft of paper 2 due to Halley and Professor Graves
T Oct. 15 Finish screening and discuss: The Remains of the Day.
Interdisciplinary Approaches
Th Oct. 17 special guest: Roger White. Ben Davis, “Art and Class”; Chris Kasper, “Open Letter to Labor Servicing the Culture Industry.”
F Oct. 18 second draft of paper 2 due
*Fall Break* No class on Oct. 22
Th Oct. 24 special guest: Maggie Clinton; Stefan Al, The Factory Towns of South China. Please read pp. 1-35, 55-81, 130-153, 178-191.
T Oct. 29 catch-up with Professor Graves; Amy Poehler “Take Your Licks.”
Th Oct. 31special guest: Jamie McCallum; Jefferson Cowie, from Stayin’ Alive.
Fordism, Post-Fordism and “Immaterial Labor”
T Nov. 5 Michael Hardt, “Affective Labor”; George Saunders, “Civilwarland in Bad Decline”.
Th Nov. 7 Tehching Hsieh, One Year Performance 1980-1981; Santiago Sierra, “250 CM Line Tattooed on 6 Paid People”; “8 People Paid to Remain Inside Cardboard Boxes”; “133 Persons Paid to Have Their Hair Dyed Blonde” ; Carey Young, Body Techniques; Liam Gillick, Everything Good Goes.
T Nov. 12 Arlie Hochschild, “Exploring the Managed Heart”; film clip: Loin de 16e (NOTE: PLEASE WATCH FROM 26:20 TO 31:30)
Job Seeking, “Workfare” and the Moralization of Unemployment
Th Nov. 14 clips from The Apprentice and The League of Gentlemen; “Workfare — the USA Case”; Nina Power “Beyond Work” and “The Philosophy of Work”.
F Nov. 15 First draft of Paper 3 due.
T Nov. 19 no class — meetings with Graves
Th Nov. 21 Ed Park, Personal Days, 1-51
F Nov. 22 Second draft of Paper 3 due
T Nov. 26 Personal Days, through p. 190; Rob Horning, “Precarity and Affective Resistance.”
*Thanksgiving Break* No class on Nov. 28
The Intern Economy
T Dec. 3 finish Personal Days.
W Dec. 4 screening: The Internship (Wednesday PM screening TBA) or watch here.
Th Dec. 5 Ross Perlin from Intern Nation. Discuss film.
F Dec. 6 Fourth Paper Due