Works by Hans Haacke

Please take a close look at the six following conceptual art pieces by Hans Haacke. The blurb prefacing each piece usually explains a bit about the context and mechanics of the artwork. The text is tiny, so click on each text to zoom in. Some of these pieces involved viewer participation, so try to get a sense of what museum visitors were called upon to do if this was the case. Something to think about: Haacke is fascinated by institutions, networks, and corporations. What do these things have to do with art? What kinds of questions is Haacke asking about the place of art in a larger economy?

1. Nachrichten (1969-70)

Scan 2



2. MOMA-Poll (1970)

Scan 4



3. Shapolsky et al. Manhattan Real Estate Holdings, a Real-Time Social System, as of May 1, 1971 (1971)

Scan 5


Scan 6


Scan 7



4. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum Board of Trustees (1974)

Scan 8


Scan 9


Scan 10


Scan 11



5. On Social Grease (1975)

Scan 12


Scan 13



6. Mobilization (1975)

Scan 14


Scan 15


Scan 16


Scan 17


Scan 18

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