Getting Started
- Mark your calendars for Friday Jan. 24 12:00pm noon to Sunday Jan. 26 at 12:00pm
- Find your Hunt Teammates and identify a Team Captain
- You cannot have more than 10 people total registered on your team. Nevertheless, your selfless friends with ample amounts of free time may help you if they want. Undergraduate college ID holders only.
- For all members of your team, you will need to provide your participants’ full names, email addresses, class year, and student ID numbers. You will also need to provide the phone number of your Team Captain.
- This should not have to be said, but everyone on your team must be informed and consenting to being on your team. No sneaky-adds for people you haven’t asked to be on your team yet, I don’t care if they’re your bestie-for-the-restie and you just know they’ll say yes. Ask first.
- Team registrations close at the start of the hunt.
- Make sure that your team leader has GroupMe — this is the mode by which we will be communicating with the team leaders, and you don’t want to be out of the loop!
Submissions & January 24 – 26, 2025
On Friday January 24th at 12:00pm, the Hunt Masters will send the Hunt Clues to the Captains of each team and will post the clues to the Hunt website. But how will you submit your answers to these clues, you ask? These submissions will take three forms:
Team Powerpoint: You must compile all answered clues into a team Google Slideshow before the deadline of Sunday, January 26th at 12:00pm and share the slides with and email your submission Slideshows as pdfs to (make sure only the team leader shares the slides; it makes it easiest for us to only have to keep track of the team leader names). Write written answers on a slide, copy and paste a link to a youtube video or google drive video for any video capture questions (if you have an embedded video please include a link for the pdf version), paste any photo documentation for photo questions…you get the idea. Make sure that all linked materials (embedded videos, external links, etc.) within the Slideshow are shared with and emailed as PDFs to (you don’t want to think you’ve got all your stuff down only to realize you got credit for none of it since we couldn’t access it, yeah?). Please also label all clues with the clue number!
Make sure you list the names and class year of all your collaborators on the last slide!
Event and Time-Based Clues: Some clues will require you to perform a specific task at a specific location or time for which you will still need to provide some form of evidence for your Slideshow, e.g. a photograph with a time stamp. Stay tuned for all communications from your Hunt Masters because for each clue there may be a different mode of entry to ensure that the clues are done in a timely (and spacely) manner!
Physical Submissions: All submissions that cannot be reduced to letters and photos must be delivered to the Middlebury Innovation Hub at 132 Blinn Lane by Sunday, January 26th at 12:00pm. Judging will be done by the Hunt Masters and unbiased friends. Please label all of these in-person submissions with your team name. If you simply tell us you did something we won’t believe you. Even if you pinky promise.
After the Hunt
Join us for the Hunt Gala on Wednesday Jan. 29th at 7:00pm in the lower half of the Grille in McCullough Student Center for snacks & drinks, viewing the best submissions and particularly entertaining entries, and prize awarding.
Other Rules
- Have Fun
- seriously. It’s more fun if you eat, drink, and sleep (regular-ish) amounts.
- Be Safe
- Previous years have ended with prize money going to fix a crashed car. Money is much more fun when you don’t spend it on car repairs.
- also, these clues have to be read by Midd’s risk management team. Please don’t make them regret giving us all consuming, soul-destroying power (this could be you next year!)
- Anything illegal, disrespectful, or unnecessarily crude will be frowned upon by us, other teams, the administration, and our collection of miniature arcade machines.
- covid sux. be careful and follow covid guidelines, pls.
- College driving rules:
- Don’t die. It would make us look bad.
- If you are over 18,
- have had your license for over 2 years,
- (you know that none of the clues require you to go to Canada)
- you don’t drive more than 3 hours/person/day,
- you get plenty of sleep and don’t speed when it’s icy out
- only then can u drive.
- College driving rules:
- Don’t be a D*ck
- We will take away points for being a jerk. Especially if it is to staff members. Act like an adult, please.
- Be considerate when contacting staff/faculty members!
- We’ll try to text back asap but in both of our best interests we won’t respond to any texts between 11pm and 9am. if any of us do, just know that we’re all insomniacs and you can probably gain an extra half point for guilting us back to sleep.
- Please let us know if you and your team are comfortable sharing your submissions on social media, which may include Middlebury College, Innovation Hub, Special Collections, the Museum, etc.