Founded in 2008, The Hunt is the brainchild of former president Ronald Liebowitz and his wife, Jessica, who started Middlebury’s Programs on Creativity and Innovation in the Liberal Arts (PCI). In 2007, the Liebowitzes called a working group of five faculty members to brainstorm extracurricular programming that would encourage creative problem solving among students.
Past Hunt Winners:
2015: Trial By Combat
2016: Ground Control to Major Tom
2017: The Pussyhat Dolls
2018: A Team Has No Name
2019: Not the Sharpest Spoon in the Drawer
2020: Middlebury LOSERS
not run in 2021 due to the rona 🙁
2022: Juminy Crumbus and the Blingum Blap Boiz
2023: Broombas
2024: slay-term
2025: RummiQub