For the Love of Choquecancha

Picking up from where Katie left off in the last blog, we are moving forward with the Social Enterprise project. For me personally, working for the first several weeks from the house in Calca on the supply chain and marketing side of the INKAcase project came to a new level during our first visit to […]

Continue Reading Add comment July 31, 2012

Professional Milestones

 In choosing to begin a graduate program in International Development, I felt particularly drawn to the Monterey Institute of International Studies due to the special emphasis placed on language.  For a while now, I’ve sensed this growing desire to use my Spanish professionally and in a way that would satisfy some need for an organization, […]

Continue Reading 2 comments July 19, 2012

Some Lucky Bastard

Over the past several weeks I’ve had the chance to do some traveling, sight-seeing, and exploring throughout the Sacred Valley during my off days.  Being the history nerd I am, this has consisted of a fair amount of ruins, museums, and other cultural events (thanks particularly to my bolleto touristico). We’ve been in the right […]

Continue Reading 1 comment July 13, 2012

A Breakthrough in Project NGO Network

Continuing from the work that January’s Team Peru students completed for the NGO Network, Katie, Caitlin, Nadine, and I have immersed ourselves in this ongoing, multilayered project. After a year of network events, conferences, and dialogue, our mission this summer is to determine the next tangible step for the Sacred Valley Network. Traveling to Cuzco, […]

Continue Reading Add comment July 10, 2012

A Day In Pampacorral

The day started at 5am, when I got up to catch the bus to Pampacorral. To say the ride was smooth would be a lie, as the roads as incredibly bumpy, but the beautiful scenery of green hills, alpacas and tall mountains full of snow made up for it! At one point the cage of […]

Continue Reading 1 comment July 9, 2012

Meeting the Sacred Valley

Oh the Sacred Valley…its no surprise why its been called that. I have been here almost one week and have started working and getting accustomed to my new summer home. Despite fighting the flu and altitude sickness, I have been welcomed by gorgeous mountains, colorful array of fresh produce and friendly housemates. I have been […]

Continue Reading 1 comment July 5, 2012

From Making Chocolate to Making Lemonade

Any seasoned traveler is well aware that there’s rarely such thing as a trip without complications, and that getting from Point A to Point B is not as simple as it sounds.  Our bus ride back to Calca from Cusco this past weekend epitomized this immutable travel trend. After a weekend of experiencing Peruvian national […]

Continue Reading Add comment June 27, 2012

A Week of Celebrations

I arrived in Calca on Tuesday, and I am already starting to feel at home. Calca is a beautiful town full of colors; pink, blue, yellow and orange houses, people in traditional attire, green hills and tall mountains surrounding it. On the day I arrived there was a coffee market on the main square, where […]

Continue Reading Add comment June 25, 2012

Digging into the Demo Farm

This first week in Peru has been fantastic in every way.  From the amazing family that has taken us into their home, the delicious indigenous Peruvian food, and the awe-inspiring views from below and atop the mountains of the Sacred Valley. I can safely speak for everyone when I say we are blessed to be […]

Continue Reading 2 comments June 23, 2012

First Reflections from Peru

It is hard to believe that we have already been in Peru for a week! It is clear that our time in Calca this summer is going to go by quickly.  As excited as I am about our projects (which are off to a great start…more details to come in my next post), this week […]

Continue Reading 3 comments June 19, 2012

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Our mission is to provide and implement sustainable programs and projects in collaboration with the indigenous people of the Sacred Valley of Perú in an effort to improve their lives and reduce poverty in a culturally sensitive and appropriate manner. Furthermore, we work to support local NGOs with whom we have shared values using the skills and tools we possess.
