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Whenever I travel, as I’m sure is the case with most travelers, I use the time away from the routine of “normal” life to do a bit of reflection. This time around in the Sacred Valley of Peru was even more so a time of reflection. You see, for me this time in Peru was […]
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August 22, 2012
When it comes to being tech-savvy, I’d place myself at the “not tech-savvy” end of the spectrum. So, managing a website was the last thing I expected to be doing when I came down to Peru. In speaking to member organizations in the NGO Network over the summer, we consistently found that people wanted a […]
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August 14, 2012
Week five of teaching in Pampacorral is almost over, and it seems like time is flying. Especially because we found out yesterday that we only have one more week of teaching before the students have a two-week long vacation! The last few weeks we have been teaching three different classes; which means almost 40 students! […]
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August 13, 2012
Recently Ben, Nadine, and I took the opportunity to visit a remote community that evades some of the “touristy” experience of Pisaq and Cuzco. Much like Choquecancha, the community of Chahuaytire houses an association of traditional textile weavers. This remarkable place is about 40 minutes away from Pisaq, high in the mountains. When we arrived, we […]
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August 9, 2012
Recently the Ag team, Aaron, Kat, and I, traveled to Mau Cau, a small village high in theAndes, to help put the finishing touches on 14 family greenhouses. We were cautiously optimistic, as these family greenhouses represent an important step in impacting food sovereignty. At the same time, however, we weren’t sure what to expect moving […]
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August 8, 2012
Here’s my question: how did such small people move such huge stones?! Seriously. On a recent weekend in Peru, a group of us took the opportunity to visit Machu Picchu, an experience that ranks among the most inspiring of my life. For those of you who have not yet visited this World Heritage Site, here’s […]
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August 7, 2012
In choosing to begin a graduate program in International Development, I felt particularly drawn to the Monterey Institute of International Studies due to the special emphasis placed on language. For a while now, I’ve sensed this growing desire to use my Spanish professionally and in a way that would satisfy some need for an organization, […]
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July 19, 2012
Oh the Sacred Valley…its no surprise why its been called that. I have been here almost one week and have started working and getting accustomed to my new summer home. Despite fighting the flu and altitude sickness, I have been welcomed by gorgeous mountains, colorful array of fresh produce and friendly housemates. I have been […]
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July 5, 2012
This January Team Peru celebrated the last corn harvest in Ruben’s Chakra (field) in his hometown of Choquecancha. It was the second year Team Peru traveled to Choquecancha for a day of festivities, feasting, and games in the corn field. In this picture, one of the women sprinkles flower petals on Team Peru’s heads as a sign […]
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June 11, 2012
Check out what Nelle Sacknoff has to say about her visit with Team Peru this J-term. Nelle stopped by to check out our projects and gave us some really insightful advice. Thanks Nelle! Read her post by clicking here: Beyond the Classroom – Balancing old traditional culture with new solutions
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February 1, 2012
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Our mission is to provide and implement sustainable programs and projects in collaboration with the indigenous people of the Sacred Valley of Perú in an effort to improve their lives and reduce poverty in a culturally sensitive and appropriate manner. Furthermore, we work to support local NGOs with whom we have shared values using the skills and tools we possess.