My name is John Paul McCreary, and I am the International Projects Director for Nourish International at the University of TX at Austin. Nourish is a non-profit organization that forms partnerships with community-based organizations around the world to implement sustainable development projects that work towards eradicating poverty. To provide funding for such ambitious projects, we run small business ventures and other fundraising events throughout the school year.
I would love to learn more about the work that your team is doing in Fiji and explore the possibility of working with your organization and/or one of your affiliates. For the summer of 2012, our organization is looking to send a small group of volunteers (usually between 4-10 persons) to work directly on a sustainable development project with an impoverished community. The project expenses will be funded by an investment of approximately $2,500 (note: this is not a set amount and is dependent upon a budget provided by the partner indicating the expected expenses for implementing the project). We are interested in participating in a project for approximately 5-6 weeks between May and August, during our summer holidays.
For the past few summers, our organization has served on two development projects in Peru (as well as Cameroon & Guatemala), both of which I served as the project leader. Last year’s project was actually located in the small indigenous village of Chipaota, about a 30-minute boat ride away from Chazuta, which is about 2-hours east of Tarapoto. This past summer’s project was located in Urubamba where we worked with Wiñayninchis Primaria and Villa Marcelo Primaria. Having now spent two summers in Peru, gaining two god children and many friends, Peru has become like a second home to me, and I would greatly like for our organization to be able to have another project once again.
If you feel that Team Peru would be interested in discussing a possible partnership with Nourish International, please read the document below that details what we seek in a partnership and specific project. If your organization has an idea for a specific project that would be compatible with our values, please respond to this email with more details about potential projects on which we could work together; I can then present your proposal to Nourish International’s Projects Selection Committee for discussion and a subseqeunt vote. If you have any questions about our organization or anything else of the sort, please do not hesitate to ask. I shall look forward to hearing from you soon!
Every year, Nourish International Chapters form partnerships with international community-based organizations to collaboratively work on a sustainable development project directly addressing poverty in that community.
There are three core principals to these partnerships:
•The organization must be community based, with intimate knowledge of the needs of the community and the best way to meet those needs
•The organization and student volunteers develop a project together that is feasible and sustainable
•The organization can collaborate with Nourish International students in a mutually beneficial summer Project
Before any Chapter can choose to partner with an organization, that organization must receive approval from the Nourish International National Office. Here you will find the criteria that the National Office uses in the approval process.
International Partner Organization Selection Criteria
1. The organization is focused not on giving relief aid, but providing training, education, and resources to enable sustainable change.
2. The organization has expertise and a history of working with the community.
3. The organization is established, with a record of successful programs.
4. The organization is efficient and productive with funds, maximizing the impact of each project.
5. The organization includes an appropriate and productive role for student volunteers (unskilled/untrained labor).
6. Student volunteer involvement must not replace local paid workers.
7. Students will not be a burden/cause a disturbance to the community.
8. The Project activities must not create a dependency in the community.
9. The students and organization work WITH rather than FOR the community.
Dayana Hankins | January 26th, 2012 at 8:48 pm
I am a new student at MIIS. I am originally from Lima-Peru and I would like to have some information about the club (when/where do you meet). Depending on my schedule, I would love to be part of the club.
Thank you
Christina Calabrese | January 30th, 2012 at 1:50 pm
Hi there,
I am a current graduate student at the University of California, San Diego pursuing a masters degree in International Relations with a career track in nonprofit management and international development, specifically concerned with the Latin American region.
What a mouthful, I know.
That being said, I really would love to find an internship over the summer, from June until September, and would love to get involved with Team Peru.
Are there any possibilities where an internship opportunity would be available?
I look forward to hearing back from you,
Thank you!
Christina Calabrese
Malorie Brown | February 1st, 2012 at 11:59 pm
What are the dates for this year’s Team Peru?
Arianne Renee | February 6th, 2012 at 9:57 pm
Hola Team Peru,
I would like to find out more about your organization/club and know when your next meeting will be.
Eduardo Vargas | April 11th, 2012 at 2:22 pm
Le contacto por parte de la Universidad de Houston y de Solar Household Energy (SHE), la cual es una ONG que busca el incremento del uso de cocinas solares en zonas en vias de desarrollo.
Representantes de UH y de SHE visitaran Lima el 18 Mayo de este anio en busca de ONGs socias que puedan apoyar en la ejecucion de un proyecto de cocinas solares en Ayaviri.
UH y SHE tambien estan buscando proveedores locales de los materiales para ensamblar las cocinas y proceder a su distribucion. Es de preferencia el contar con manufactura local de manera de reducir costos e incentivar la actividad empresarial en Lima o en localidades cercanas a Ayaviri.
Por favor revisar el documento adjunto para mayores detalles sobre el proyecto.
Nos gustaria saber si su organizacion esta interesada en trabajar conjuntamente con la nuestra de manera de lograr la produccion/distribucion de estas cocinas, conjuntamente con la concientizacion y entrenamiento para pobladores locales de Ayaviri de manera que el impacto sea positivo y replicable en otras zonas del Peru.
Por favor dejenos saber si es de su interes este tema y si le gustaria conversar telefonicamente al respecto y potencialmente sostener una reunion con nuestros representantes el dia 18 de Mayo.
Esperamos su pronta respuesta
Javier Camacho Rios | May 8th, 2012 at 7:49 am
Hola, buenos dias, estoy muy interesado en ir a estudiar el idioma ingles en Monterey Institute, no se si alguien me podria orientar que pasos debo seguir, he visto las fechas de inicio y me gustaria empezar en enero de 2013.
Muchas gracias de antemano.
Saludos desde Lima- Peru
Jeff | May 9th, 2012 at 8:53 am
I am hoping to speak with someone from Team Peru regarding a potential collaboration with Rainforest Partnership, an NGO based in Austin that has been doing work in Peru and Ecuador.
Carla | July 29th, 2012 at 4:12 pm
I have been asked by a non-profit group to arrange a first aid course for some members of an indigenous community near Cusco, Peru. The NGO is assisting the community in developing an eco-tourism program, and would like to train some of its members so that they can respond to emergency health issues of both the tourists and the community members, and to train first aid instructors within the community. I am in the early fact-finding stage and am trying to find out what resources are available. I am an EMT and CPR instructor in Colorado, but do not have any experience instructing in developing countries. I would like to travel to the community and participate in leading/teaching the course. If you have any information about instructing first aid in the Cusco area, I would appreciate it.
15 Comments Add your own
John Paul McCreary | October 24th, 2011 at 4:58 pm
Dear Sir or Madam:
My name is John Paul McCreary, and I am the International Projects Director for Nourish International at the University of TX at Austin. Nourish is a non-profit organization that forms partnerships with community-based organizations around the world to implement sustainable development projects that work towards eradicating poverty. To provide funding for such ambitious projects, we run small business ventures and other fundraising events throughout the school year.
I would love to learn more about the work that your team is doing in Fiji and explore the possibility of working with your organization and/or one of your affiliates. For the summer of 2012, our organization is looking to send a small group of volunteers (usually between 4-10 persons) to work directly on a sustainable development project with an impoverished community. The project expenses will be funded by an investment of approximately $2,500 (note: this is not a set amount and is dependent upon a budget provided by the partner indicating the expected expenses for implementing the project). We are interested in participating in a project for approximately 5-6 weeks between May and August, during our summer holidays.
For the past few summers, our organization has served on two development projects in Peru (as well as Cameroon & Guatemala), both of which I served as the project leader. Last year’s project was actually located in the small indigenous village of Chipaota, about a 30-minute boat ride away from Chazuta, which is about 2-hours east of Tarapoto. This past summer’s project was located in Urubamba where we worked with Wiñayninchis Primaria and Villa Marcelo Primaria. Having now spent two summers in Peru, gaining two god children and many friends, Peru has become like a second home to me, and I would greatly like for our organization to be able to have another project once again.
If you feel that Team Peru would be interested in discussing a possible partnership with Nourish International, please read the document below that details what we seek in a partnership and specific project. If your organization has an idea for a specific project that would be compatible with our values, please respond to this email with more details about potential projects on which we could work together; I can then present your proposal to Nourish International’s Projects Selection Committee for discussion and a subseqeunt vote. If you have any questions about our organization or anything else of the sort, please do not hesitate to ask. I shall look forward to hearing from you soon!
John Paul McCreary
International Project Director
Nourish International – UT Austin
Project Criteria
Every year, Nourish International Chapters form partnerships with international community-based organizations to collaboratively work on a sustainable development project directly addressing poverty in that community.
There are three core principals to these partnerships:
•The organization must be community based, with intimate knowledge of the needs of the community and the best way to meet those needs
•The organization and student volunteers develop a project together that is feasible and sustainable
•The organization can collaborate with Nourish International students in a mutually beneficial summer Project
Before any Chapter can choose to partner with an organization, that organization must receive approval from the Nourish International National Office. Here you will find the criteria that the National Office uses in the approval process.
International Partner Organization Selection Criteria
1. The organization is focused not on giving relief aid, but providing training, education, and resources to enable sustainable change.
2. The organization has expertise and a history of working with the community.
3. The organization is established, with a record of successful programs.
4. The organization is efficient and productive with funds, maximizing the impact of each project.
5. The organization includes an appropriate and productive role for student volunteers (unskilled/untrained labor).
6. Student volunteer involvement must not replace local paid workers.
7. Students will not be a burden/cause a disturbance to the community.
8. The Project activities must not create a dependency in the community.
9. The students and organization work WITH rather than FOR the community.
Dayana Hankins | January 26th, 2012 at 8:48 pm
I am a new student at MIIS. I am originally from Lima-Peru and I would like to have some information about the club (when/where do you meet). Depending on my schedule, I would love to be part of the club.
Thank you
Christina Calabrese | January 30th, 2012 at 1:50 pm
Hi there,
I am a current graduate student at the University of California, San Diego pursuing a masters degree in International Relations with a career track in nonprofit management and international development, specifically concerned with the Latin American region.
What a mouthful, I know.
That being said, I really would love to find an internship over the summer, from June until September, and would love to get involved with Team Peru.
Are there any possibilities where an internship opportunity would be available?
I look forward to hearing back from you,
Thank you!
Christina Calabrese
Malorie Brown | February 1st, 2012 at 11:59 pm
What are the dates for this year’s Team Peru?
Arianne Renee | February 6th, 2012 at 9:57 pm
Hola Team Peru,
I would like to find out more about your organization/club and know when your next meeting will be.
Eduardo Vargas | April 11th, 2012 at 2:22 pm
Le contacto por parte de la Universidad de Houston y de Solar Household Energy (SHE), la cual es una ONG que busca el incremento del uso de cocinas solares en zonas en vias de desarrollo.
Representantes de UH y de SHE visitaran Lima el 18 Mayo de este anio en busca de ONGs socias que puedan apoyar en la ejecucion de un proyecto de cocinas solares en Ayaviri.
UH y SHE tambien estan buscando proveedores locales de los materiales para ensamblar las cocinas y proceder a su distribucion. Es de preferencia el contar con manufactura local de manera de reducir costos e incentivar la actividad empresarial en Lima o en localidades cercanas a Ayaviri.
Por favor revisar el documento adjunto para mayores detalles sobre el proyecto.
Nos gustaria saber si su organizacion esta interesada en trabajar conjuntamente con la nuestra de manera de lograr la produccion/distribucion de estas cocinas, conjuntamente con la concientizacion y entrenamiento para pobladores locales de Ayaviri de manera que el impacto sea positivo y replicable en otras zonas del Peru.
Por favor dejenos saber si es de su interes este tema y si le gustaria conversar telefonicamente al respecto y potencialmente sostener una reunion con nuestros representantes el dia 18 de Mayo.
Esperamos su pronta respuesta
Javier Camacho Rios | May 8th, 2012 at 7:49 am
Hola, buenos dias, estoy muy interesado en ir a estudiar el idioma ingles en Monterey Institute, no se si alguien me podria orientar que pasos debo seguir, he visto las fechas de inicio y me gustaria empezar en enero de 2013.
Muchas gracias de antemano.
Saludos desde Lima- Peru
Jeff | May 9th, 2012 at 8:53 am
I am hoping to speak with someone from Team Peru regarding a potential collaboration with Rainforest Partnership, an NGO based in Austin that has been doing work in Peru and Ecuador.
Carla | July 29th, 2012 at 4:12 pm
I have been asked by a non-profit group to arrange a first aid course for some members of an indigenous community near Cusco, Peru. The NGO is assisting the community in developing an eco-tourism program, and would like to train some of its members so that they can respond to emergency health issues of both the tourists and the community members, and to train first aid instructors within the community. I am in the early fact-finding stage and am trying to find out what resources are available. I am an EMT and CPR instructor in Colorado, but do not have any experience instructing in developing countries. I would like to travel to the community and participate in leading/teaching the course. If you have any information about instructing first aid in the Cusco area, I would appreciate it.
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