Peru Practica in January 2017 with Andean Alliance – APPLY NOW!!!

November 21, 2016

The Team Peru practica will be offered in January outside of the wrap-around course. The field methods course is no longer required for participation in Team Peru.

 Below is a timeline of important steps if you plan to request financial aid or register for academic credit for this practica.

 December 1—-Deadline to contact Andean Alliance/apply (email Adam directly at to apply)

December 1—-Deadline for to apply for immersive learning funding for JTerm

December 4—-Deadline to submit directed study (DS) proposal if you are seeking 1-4 academic credits for Team Peru (Beryl Levinger has agreed to oversee anyone interested in a directed study related to the work for this course. DS forms are available on Canvas or at the GSIPM front desk. Contact your academic adviser for more information.

December 4—-Deadline to visit financial aid office to request funding for Jterm program. Registration in directed study with Beryl Levinger required.

December 15—-Deadline to complete travel registration and secure international medical insurance if not on the student health insurance plan.

 If you are registered for another Jterm practica and would like to transfer to the Team Peru program please contact Carolyn Taylor . In certain cases we may be able to refund your deposit.

Entry Filed under: Uncategorized. Posted in  Uncategorized .

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Our mission is to provide and implement sustainable programs and projects in collaboration with the indigenous people of the Sacred Valley of Perú in an effort to improve their lives and reduce poverty in a culturally sensitive and appropriate manner. Furthermore, we work to support local NGOs with whom we have shared values using the skills and tools we possess.
