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Maxwell Leslie

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Sight and Sound


As we wind up to the beginning of the year, dorm decorating is on (almost) everyone’s minds. I went through an entire semester last year with no decorations up in my room and the place looked deserted. So this year I’ve been a lot more proactive about making my space more welcoming. Wind chimes are […]

Eco Teens!


No dorm is truly complete without a little color to bring the space to life. And what better way to add life to a room than buying PLANTS to decorate it! Agway is a local lawn and garden supply store that students frequent as they arrive to the area. We made the trip specifically so […]

All in a day’s work


A summer intern’s work is never really finished. That is, not until we help the Dean of Admissions himself with a daunting task. Greg Buckles is a very stylish person who likes to make sure his office is impeccable in all aspects. He often graces us with presence when descends from his lofty office on […]

Oh how fleeting the transitions of life are


So yesterday was the big day. All the students here on campus moved into their fall housing assignments. I got to move to Gifford and it is fantasmablastic here!!  Packing everything up over the course of the week was surprisingly simple. Moving it all was more tiring than expected but still an adventure. Thankfully Gifford […]

My Hogwarts letter arrived!


Last night, after inhaling a delicious meal prepared by Tabitha, a few of us inquired as to the current status of the Quidditch closet; whether it was clean, and also where it was actually located. I have never seen this magical place of splendor, but I heard that it was recently reorganzied. As a techie […]

Let them wear socks!


Anyone that knows me would be able to tell you about my love of socks. I’ve got socks with whales, sailboats, robots, flowers, stripes, and singing penguins. For anyone familiar with ‘The Magic School Bus’ my eventual goal is to have socks for every situation and event just like Ms. Frizzle. Aiding me on my journey is […]

So is it pancetta or bacon?


My dear friend Tabitha is currently house-sitting for another acquaintance of ours who was graciously willing to offer her kitchen for us students to use since the dining halls are currently closed. Therefore we decided to make carbonara!! For anyone that doesnt know, a crispy type of pork product is added in with the pasta, which […]



On our last excursion to Burlington my roommate and I stopped by the L.L. Bean store for a while. I could feel my Middkid levels rising each second we remained in the store. I was a real Vermonter for that short period of time (minus the Subaru though). Our main purpose for going there was […]

Alright Mr. DeMille I’m Ready For My Close-Up


I’m finally FAMOUS!!!!!!!!! Or at least my grandmother thinks so. Just the other night I co-hosted #AAL, one of the summer radio shows that broadcasts every week from the campus radio station. The show plays music from Asia, Africa, and Latin America and has a specific theme each week. Most of the usual hosts were […]

Ice Cream Time


While there has already been a post about the Ben and Jerry’s Factory there was no mention of the graveyard. That’s right ladies and gents there is indeed a graveyard on the grounds of the Ben and Jerry’s factory but there are no people buried here. Entombed in this hallowed ground are ice cream flavors […]

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