Throughout the summer, Undergraduate Interns and Fellows have the opportunity to work closely with experts in their fields. This often leads to publications on topics of interest. The links below are several selected publications. Please bear in mind that the information below may include research that is still ongoing and may not be representative of the final product or conclusions.
SeiYeong Ji
Summer Intern SeiYeong Ji coauthored an article with Melissa Hanham, Senior Research at CNS, about the progress made by the North Korean missile program. The article was published by the Arms Control Association. This article also looks into the future of the program and what advances can be expected. The article can be read here.
Brandon Mok
Davis UWC Fellow Brandon Mok coauthored a report with Dr. Avner Cohen, a professor and Senior Research Fellow at CNS. The report, titled: “Nuclear Governance and Legislation in Four
Nuclear-Armed Democracies: A Comparative Study” looks at four separate nations and their approach to nuclear governance. The report can be read here.
Endi Mato
Davis United World College (UWC) Fellow Endi Mato coauthored an article with Daniel Salisbury, a Postdoctoral Fellow at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS), on the methods North Korea employs to skirt sanctions put on them by the international community. The report was published on July 20, 2017 in The Diplomat. The article can be viewed here.
Ian Wilkinson
Ian Wilkinson, a summer intern, created an interactive map showing the locations of dozens of chemical weapons dumping sites across the world. This map helps to put into perspective the wide reaching effects that chemical weapons can have, not just on people but on the environment as well. The map and accompanying report can be viewed here.
All interns and fellows participate in an intense treaty negotiation simulation. This year the event simulated a treaty concerning the prohibition of nuclear weapons. Each intern and fellow was assigned a country and given the responsibility of researching that countries stance on the issue. At the end of the three day negotiation, each student received a first hand experience of how international negotiations are conducted.
Reflections on the negotiations can be read here.
The final memorandum produced by the Interns and Fellows after several days of intense negotiations can be found here.
These are the concluding notes of Seiyeon Ji (Japan) who chaired the negotiations:
“At a time when the international community is deeply concerned with the challenges of disarmament, nuclear arms control and nuclear nonproliferation, the interns and fellows have found this simulation exercise to be particularly timely and insightful. Through both heated and candid discussions, we learned the challenges of understanding states’ different perspectives as well as the potential for open dialogue to create momentum for collective efforts toward global non-proliferation and disarmament. I hope that the success of this simulation and the lessons learned from it will extend beyond our education and influence our contributions to the future nonproliferation and disarmament field.”
A highlight of the summer for Undergraduate Interns and Fellows is the opportunity to present their summer research to Tom and Sarah Pattison, founders of the Tom and Sarah Pattison Fund. This fund supports the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies in its efforts to promote worldwide disarmament and nonproliferation, and help create a more secure and peaceful world, particularly through education and training.
Rachael Kretsch and Ian Wilkinson presented their research titled “Emerging Developments in Chemical and Biological Weapons Nonproliferation”. More information can be found here.
Seiyeon Ji, Cameron Henderson, and Endi Mato presented their research titled: “North Korea: From the Bank to the Bomb. Why North Korean Sanctions are not working.” More information can be found here.
Charlotte Lawrence, Lucy Nussbaum, Julia Fleming-Dresser, and Brandon Mok presented on their research, titled: “Nuclear Issues and the Non Aligned Movement.” More information can be found here.
Andrew Linder, Gabriel Dunatov, and Hayley Manges presented their report, titled: “Public Portrayal of Nuclear Issues in Russia.” More information can be found here.