2024 Summer Undergraduate Fellow Spotlight: Sircey Smith

Sircey Smith recently completed her Bachelor of Arts in Global Affairs at Trinity Washington University, where she also received honors. During her studies at Trinity, Sircey was a fellow for the Center for Strategic and International Studies where she researched U.S. digital data privacy. Sircey was also a fellow with Citizens for Global Solutions where she attended the 2023 Global Futures Forum as a delegate for CGS. Her interest in nuclear nonproliferation stems from researching peace and security issues while taking multiple courses on nuclear weapons and arms control. Sircey is drawn to researching emerging technologies, nuclear disarmament, Eurasia, and Middle East nonproliferation. At CNS, she is eager to work on policies and learn more about nonproliferation to promote global security. In her free time, Sircey enjoys hiking, going to the beach, and yoga.