2020 Undergraduate Fellow Spotlight: Elsie Zhang

I am a rising senior majoring in Political Science at Middlebury College. I’m from Xi’an, China, and lived there before coming to the US for college. During my two years at Middlebury, I was a member of the Japanese House, Language Tables, and Language in Motion. I also pursued policy-making initiatives by working at  the Environmental Council and the  Academic Integrity Committee under the Faculty Council. I spent my junior year abroad at International Christian University in Tokyo and Lady Margaret Hall at the University of Oxford. Outside of school, I enjoy reading, creative writing (in Mandarin mixing with English and Japanese), doing community-engaged work, spending time with people of different cultural backgrounds, and playing guzheng (Chinese zither). I also spent a summer as a puppeteer trainee at Tonda Bunraku Puppetry Troupe in Shiga, Japan. 

Visit Elsie’s Presentation