2014 Intern Spotlight: Thu-An Pham


Thu-An Pham
Home Institution: Stanford University
International Relations
CNS Project:
EANP, Nuclear Threat Initiative

“Interning this summer at CNS was a truly wonderful experience. An intern for the East Asia Nonproliferation Program, I primarily worked on updating information on the nuclear programs of Southeast Asian countries, but I also had the opportunity to pursue an independent research project of my own. This internship provided me the opportunity to improve my research and writing skills as well as to learn a great deal about all things nuclear through the intensive lecture series. The friendly, welcoming atmosphere of CNS, however, is the part of this internship I most value and the part I will most remember. Both Dr. William Potter and Ms. Masako Toki are very interested in ensuring that the summer interns have an enjoyable and fulfilling experience at CNS. My supervisors were always sure to assign me tasks related to my area of interest and encouraged me to keep in touch when my internship ended. The internship also introduced me to great group of peers and we became quite a close-knit bunch by the end of summer. All in all, my summer interning at CNS was one extremely well-spent.”