Name: Nathan Sans
Home Institution: Middlebury College
Major: Political Science (minor in Russian language)
CNS Projects: Nuclear Threat Initiative, Submarine Proliferation Research,
UK Nuclear Program Research
“The experts at CNS interact with you on a colleague-to-colleague basis and value your opinion and perspective. You can expect to do real research here and to contribute to projects with importance to CNS. The lectures during the summer undergraduate internship at CNS provided valuable perspectives on nonproliferation issues. The ability to conduct self-directed research and to delve very deeply into my chosen subject – subs and the UK – increased my self-confidence as a researcher. My experience at CNS encouraged me to think about these issues independently and to make solid judgments, and to form valid questions on/about these subjects. My advice to future interns: Find what you’re interested in, and learn all you can about one or two subjects. By the end of the summer, you’ll have an in-depth understanding of that issue and be able to talk about it authoritatively.”
Nathan is the winner of the prestigious Bulletin of Atomic Scientists Voice of Tomorrow essay contest. See his article “Why the United States should redesign its nuclear submarines” which he wrote as part of his project during the summer.